Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] [coord] [noun sg] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Hard as it may be to accept , there is ultimately no point in agreeing to a bad deal , no matter how much money and energy have been put into the process of buying a business .
2 While the NHS Management Executive recognises the clinical terms project as fundamental , considerably less thought and budgeting have been given to the inputting of the codes .
3 This is primarily due to process integration — eg filtration and drying have been combined for the first time in the Pergascript operation .
4 In recent years much energy and ingenuity has been poured into the task of showing that such markets do in fact exist and can be made to force managers to profit-maximize .
5 That was what yesterday afternoon and evening had been all about .
6 Once ejaculation and orgasm have been achieved by the man his penis will more or less rapidly return to its former size .
7 However , once property or capital has been brought into the partnership , the partner as an individual ceases to have any right over the property .
8 Interest charges fell from £2.5 million to under £500,0000 and gearing has been held at 29 per cent .
9 As we saw in Part II , this has not been the case with child language , where both comprehension and production have been extensively studied , with comparisons being made between the child 's spontaneous use and understanding of particular linguistic forms .
10 But in the poorest families both husband and wife have been sterilised to get the money and food .
11 The study of both Cramlington and North Shields is therefore not just a matter of the comparative examination of interestingly contrasted localities , but involves consideration of the way in which the real relationships between these localities constitutes the Tyneside of today .
12 A further difficulty with both definition and measurement has been created as manufacturers have extended their reach into services , such as warehousing and financial operations .
13 Both Father and Mother had been through difficult times financially in their twenties but Father had founded a fine family business in London which flourished and while both of them were wise and sensible about money there was never any lack of it and funds were available for anything that would widen our horizons and education .
14 The loss of Batty was a big blow to the midfield but the injuries to both Wallace and Speed have been the big set back this season .
15 At Zakro , both temple and town have been excavated .
16 In 16 per cent of weddings , both bride and groom have been married before .
17 Volunteers from both east and west have been making mercy missions to the thousands of refugess caught up in the fighting .
18 Women who go into spontaneous labour before their estimated date of delivery are fortunate as the risks to both mother and baby have been shown to increase as ‘ term progresses . ’
19 At the end of the play , he takes a box full of sleeping pills and washes them down with wine — both pills and wine have been affectionately supplied by Trish .
20 First , intellectually : there is widespread agreement in the replies from partners that ‘ up to now theology and development have been very separate ; both disciplines looked at together will be very beneficial to people who are involved in social issues and who are looking for ways in which development can be integral to God 's plan . ’
21 A study of how speech and writing have been viewed by linguistics provides an interesting , albeit indirect , perspective on the development of linguistics as a discipline .
22 But it can scarcely be in doubt that these books have in them home truths , and an ironic obliquity or duplicity , which richly relate to the world of Jaruzelski 's predecessors , and indeed to the experience of other countries where literature and opinion have been repressed .
23 Neither geography nor history had been kind to the centre of the Spanish empire : rainfall was erratic with summer droughts , the soil poorish .
24 Neither husband nor daughter had been any help .
25 This is indeed unfortunate , but in a society where race and colour has been made into such an issue , for those children there are no ‘ in-betweens ’ .
26 But this nettle was never grasped ; in the absence of a coherent national urban transport policy neither restraint nor reconstruction have been consistently practised and British cities have become used to ‘ muddling through ’ , without any clear idea of the goal they are trying to achieve .
27 If characters who have the ability to speak either prose or verse have been talking prose among themselves , or if the medium is prose for some other reason , the entry of a person of rank or status can be the signal for the move to the higher level .
28 But it is a feudalism where inequalities and poverty have been intensified by British colonialism and which has in the last thirty-seven years since independence been in a state of flux caused by the varying stages of capitalism which reach out to it from the towns and cities of the Indian sub-continent .
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