Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] [conj] [noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 We hold it in our arms , and it learns not only discipline and respect for us but also reassurance and security from our close body contact .
2 If only Fen could be both friend and lover to her .
3 ‘ These provincial councils were meant to act as part of central council within their own area , but they have grown more independent and now we have a situation where there is both competition and conflict between them and a reluctance to accept the authority of central council . ’
4 The maintenance of both morale and consensus among his and Louis 's supporters was especially critical now .
5 Joe always makes time to play with his kids — he 's got to be both mother and father to them — in spite of having-to run the farm alone since your father died .
6 I do little but rest and try to put this house into some sort of order but as yet there is neither pleasure nor profit in it .
7 Here he is aware of his fall into corruption , but as yet draws neither conclusion nor consequence from it .
8 The Project 's approach has been to build up the confidence and self-awareness of different groups to a stage where contact and co-operation among them will be facilitated .
9 Stephen knew of the rumor and had neither evidence nor time for it .
10 But there was neither sight nor sound of him .
11 If an election is afoot there is neither sight nor sound of it .
12 I suggest that the Labour and particularly Liberal feel , think very carefully about the quality of service that is provided by this county er council cos at the moment there is neither justice or equity in it .
13 There 's neither rhyme nor reason for it ; Joe is n't active enough to attract that type of attention .
14 I think it 's certainly true and I think it one should n't be too doom and gloom about it .
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