Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] [adj] over [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Conan suggests that Australia may have received £550 million from Britain in the period 1945–51 , South Africa perhaps £400 million over the same period .
2 When they could not get gold for their dollars after 1971 ( the US gold stock fell by only $2½ billion over the whole period ) , they only acquired these dollars because they were prepared to sell their own currencies in order to prevent them rising further .
3 With a total deal value of £960 million the fourth quarter was the strongest , showing an increase of £340 million over the third quarter but a rise of just £20 million over the corresponding period in the previous year .
4 SHELL has passed up potential profits of hundreds of millions of pounds and revenue of about £1 billion over the next few years after deciding not to take up its full rights in a major oil find west of Shetland .
5 ‘ This is a matter of considerable significance to us as three of the five districts in West Yorkshire ( Bradford , Kirklees and Leeds Metropolitan Districts ) have between them received an annual average of about £10 million over the last five years — a substantial figure .
6 According to reports in the metals industry the government plans to spend about £100 million over the next six months .
7 Des McNulty , who chairs Strathclyde 's local government reorganisation subcommittee , said : ‘ Imagine the number of additional teachers , policemen and home helps we could employ if the Government were prepared to give us even £500 million over a five-year period .
8 Elaborate pricing mechanisms — the K-factors and all the rest — were set up by the government before the sell-off ; they were aimed at helping the industry , which had long been a victim of under-investment , to pay for a capital-spending programme of at least £18 billion over the next decade .
9 Mr Sefton said : ‘ It is absolutely vital that Stockton wins because the bid will bring in around £100 million over a five-year period for the regeneration of the town .
10 It will , however , invest over £350 million over the next five years in developing alternative energies and improving domestic electrical efficiency .
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