Example sentences of "[pron] when he [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The lavish reception afforded to Fidel Castro himself when he went to the Soviet Union the following year is well known , and it was during this visit that he was guaranteed economic concessions , notably a rise in the price paid for Cuban sugar .
2 ‘ He 's a wheeler-dealer and he came across it in a house where he was doing some plastering , ’ said Walton , who used a similar one when he played in the 1981 Walker Cup match in America .
3 Irene Jaffray said at Shrewsbury Crown Court that Eddie Browning made the request to her when he arrived at the house she shared with Kerry Evans in Inverurie , Aberdeenshire .
4 checks him when he gets in the door
5 I did n't know him when he got on the bus .
6 And it did n't worry him when he got into the sensitive parts with his drill ; my strangled cries were of no avail and he carried on remorselessly to the end : I had the impression that Hector thought it was cissy to feel pain , or maybe he was of the opinion that suffering was good for the soul .
7 The company said standard vetting procedures were followed , which did not reveal any adverse information about him when he applied for the post .
8 She had hit him and fed him , shouted at him for being idle and comforted him when he woke in the night and was afraid .
9 In 1981 Seve asked me if I 'd do a few tournaments with him when he came to the States .
10 We did n't definitely know that when we had the meeting , but he is coming and I will write to him when he arrives in the country .
11 He remembers clearly the sight which greeted him when he went into the end terrace house where the body lay .
12 Mr. Farr 's dog Bess was often with him when he went to the garden and we were good friends , having wonderful games of hide and seek .
13 ‘ I broke my heart over him when he went to the shop , ’ said Cis .
14 I said what would I like to say , disgusted with the way he 's been treated , I said my father left intensive care at one o'clock on Friday , we was told he was gon na leave there at four o'clock to go home and have a meal and be with him when he went on the ward , when we came back , he 'd been moved , he 'd gone on the ward , he was plonked in the chair , his catheter was on his lap , it had leaked all over him , his dressing was hanging off and seeping with green stuff the wound on his leg was run all down over his foot , he 'd got no cover on his seat so he could see , Dave said they looked and they did n't look very bloody nice
15 IBM Corp traditionally sends departing executives off with glowing resumees of their illustrious careers , so it was striking that the announcement late Friday that former chairman and chief executive officer John Akers had just retired from the company after 33 years was accompanied by the briefest and curtest summaries of his career — after all , the man had significant achievements behind him when he acceded to the top job , and it is arguable that many of the problems that plagued the company during Akers ' tenure were the fault of his predecessors , although it must be said that he was also in the loop at the time .
16 But his good loyalist credentials could not save him when he departed from the narrow path .
17 ‘ Does your husband take the paper with him when he leaves in the morning ? ’
18 Hugh Gaitskell made the Tory Government 's case for it when he said in the House of Commons Defence debate :
19 He must have lost it when he fell to the ground .
20 He says he 's does n't know if his legs will stand it when he walks over the lip .
21 Gordon Brown used it when he talked about the need for an industrial policy .
22 Under Sched 2 , para ( c ) , a clause is more likely to be held reasonable if the party knew or should have known of it when he entered into the contract .
23 I 've actually seen erm er been in a workshop as a participant where a chap who was excellent at this had what he did was while while the participants were doing some sort of an exercise he was actually making these tiny notes up in the top corner for himself so that when he when he came to the next sort of section that he wanted he 'd he 'd got he 'd got the odd notes just up there in the corner .
24 He had bought them when he arrived in the city , and they were the only shoes he owned .
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