Example sentences of "[pron] said [conj] i [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm all right , just felt dizzy , that 's all , ’ I said as I got to my feet and collected my belongings .
2 Well my Lord as I said as I said at the beginning I think the both Mr and myself considered that it might er assist your Lordship considerably if you have some time now to read er the witness statements and the reports from the expert which are in bundle three and indeed erm .
3 I was going to bingo and I said and I said to her well we 'll go and pick Sue 's mother up and we 'll pick you up and all and she went the Empire , I went the Corn Exchange but that 's beside the point .
4 I said when I came to Pittodrie that I wanted to go on playing for as long as possible , ’ Aitken said afterwards .
5 But anyway I gave , it 's fifty P I gave the lass who was selling it a pound you see and she said here you are waiting to give me my change , I said no , no and she said and I said to her I said you know you need it more than I do and she she got tears in her eyes and I I thought I mean I I do n't know if I can articulate this properly .
6 He said when I looked at it was coming backwards .
7 Anyway our Darren came in , and I 'm gon na forget Darren came to the caravan and I was telling him about these wet sheets and beds and the mirrors done and what I was doing there and Oh he said and about the mattress he said and I said to him mattress , it 's still the same mattress .
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