Example sentences of "[pron] could be [vb pp] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 There was a heap of rough geological specimens , including two almost spherical stones , a little like cannon balls , one black and one a sulphurous yellow , some ammonites and trilobites , a large crystal ball , a green glass inkwell , the articulated skeleton of a cat , a heap of books , two of which could be seen to be the Divina Commedia and Faust , and an hourglass in a wooden frame .
2 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the power to make an order under section 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 was not confined to documents which could be said to be necessary to reconstitute the state of the company 's knowledge , even if that might be one of the purposes most clearly justifying the making of an order , but extended to all documents which the administrator reasonably required to see to carry out his functions ; that the applicant had to satisfy the court that after balancing all the relevant factors , there was a proper case for making the order ; that since the information sought was necessary to enable the administrators to carry out the administration and production of the documents did not impose an unnecessary and unreasonable burden on the accountants , the registrar 's order despite its width , was proper in the exceptional circumstances ( post , pp. 855E–H , 860C–D , 862D–E , G–H , 863D , 864E ) .
3 An SBU was taken to be any subsidiary business interest of the group which could be said to be largely separable and could be treated as having a commercial life of its own .
4 But they reaped no advantage ; there was nothing moving towards them which could be deemed to be a consideration , with the result that the case is one in which the contract is made , but remains unenforceable in law … .
5 Plenary sessions in the Conference had , one after the other , commented on the absence of any relevant courses at University Departments of Education , on the similar failure on the part of other institutions of higher education to develop qualifications which might secure recognition from the Council for National Academic Awards , and on the apparent unwillingness of the Department of Education and Science to recognise overseas qualifications whilst at the same time refusing to take a lead in a field which could be shown to be a priority area .
6 We are not responsible for any additional measures which could be considered to be of a preventative nature for the future .
7 Together these viewpoints have distorted the development of English education at the expense of a balanced provision in a system which could be expected to be concerned with the broad world of personal development , preparation for employment and providing for economic and community need , both local and national .
8 Releasing on Nov. 15 its budget figures for 1991 , the government stated that it planned to increase spending by 22 per cent to the equivalent of US$499,000,000 and would face a fiscal deficit of $150,000,000 , only $91,000,000 of which could be expected to be covered by future loans .
9 On the point of commenting scathingly that not everyone could be expected to be as cold-blooded as he was , Gina hesitated , finally deciding that in this case discretion was certainly the better part of valour .
10 Thinking of the provocatively slow way she might later take off her shiny red boots , dark hair falling down over her placidly unconcerned face as she bent to remove them , thinking of the longer , slower flow of her otherwise quick young body as she discarded her clothing bit by bit and turned with a sudden smile of submission towards his already rumpled bed , he was also holding in to himself and caressing within himself the glass-cased ideal of a woman — a Princess — who could be worshipped without being touched by bonily clutching fingers , who could transform him without being stickied by any of his bodily fluids .
11 On the other hand where a family has a number of teenage children who could be expected to be in charge of their own belongings then we should consider applying the policy wording and deducting an excess for each person .
12 The search for the motivation leads back to the hypothesis put forward earlier , that life itself could be held to be synonymous with desire , therefore to have life was to have desire .
13 The basic problem with this aspect of the technique is that the movement occurs very quickly , so you could be excused for being unsure quite what has happened .
14 As parts of a whole Universe we could be said to be responsible for everything , for we are an active part of an active creation .
15 There could be said to be a ‘ Structural crisis ’ for Europe over its position in the World in the immediate post-war period because it had become as Churchill said ‘ A rubble heap , a charnel house , a breeding ground of pestilence and hate ’ .
16 To use the argument brought forward against the related speculation of Block ( i.e. about the tiny homunculi ) , one might at the very least want to deny that the higher and lower consciousnesses could , in any sense , be the same consciousnesses , whether or not they could be said to be in a physical part — whole relationship .
17 According to Townsend 's estimates , over half the people in Britain at some state in their lives may well experience relative deprivation to such an extent that they could be said to be ‘ in poverty ’ for those periods .
18 Nevertheless , they could be said to be implicit justifications of an almost fully formulated nature , in that they provide reasons for the existence of the monarchy and its ceremonial occasions .
19 But they could be seen to be so " from below " as well as " from above " .
20 They could be expected to be as obedient to the workers as they had been to the capitalists .
21 Alternatively , they could be considered to be protected by the design right as a configuration when all the components are mounted onto the board .
22 Progressive emergence of partnership forces , combined with provisional intentions and priorities , will clear the ground for tasks and levels of partnership at which they could be set to be identified .
23 I wish it could be said to be a gain to the Faculty of Theology . ’
24 It could be said to be retrogressive — a return ( retreat ? ) to narrow Victorian child-rearing values — to be writing guidelines on how to encourage obedience and overcome disobedience in the late 1980s .
25 As a research project , it could be said to be one of the ‘ old-fashioned ’ kind ; it had to be done on a shoestring .
26 If the passage of the deposit is not prohibited , then it could be lost by being passed to an individual or a company that goes bankrupt or becomes insolvent before completion .
27 The Commission says that , if the Community decides to build the NET machine , it could be expected to be built on a Community site .
28 The boy shrugged , raising his brows with a mild affectation of surprise that it could be thought to be important ; but the stillness of his face and the steadiness of his eyes on Hotspur went some way towards betraying him .
29 It seems rather grandiose to label a talk with a colleague in the same office or department as an ‘ interview ’ , but in some ways it could be considered to be one , especially if our colleague is an expert in the field in which we ourselves have become interested .
30 One is led to the conclusion therefore that the husband should convey as beneficial owner ; he is very often conveying the former matrimonial home as part of an agreement whereby the wife releases her rights to further claims for capital , and as such he could be said to be receiving valuable consideration from her and it is established that a vendor selling under compulsion should stand in the same position as a contractual purchaser under an open contract ( see Re King [ 1962 ] 1 WLR 632 and Emmet on Title above ) .
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