Example sentences of "[pron] could [adv] get back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If I could just get back to Greentoft .
2 He said he told him the story and he said if you could just get back to Greentoft , he says , I would give you the best two cattle out of my byre .
3 You could probably get back into the FedPol .
4 She knew it was the thing she must n't do , must n't let herself be persuaded into , that it was death , the end , that there was no going back , you could never get back to the same position .
5 They tried to reach the River Po , which they hoped to cross so that they could eventually get back to Germany .
6 He was just getting out of the car and he could just get back in it and move out with the same expertise .
7 In choosing a kasabat kadilik , then , a student was in effect shutting himself off from the high offices of state and , provided that he intended to stay within the learned profession , dooming himself to a lifetime of service in the kasabat kadiliks unless he could somehow get back into the medrese stream .
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