Example sentences of "[pron] could [adv] [vb infin] his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I could also pick his feet out and deal with the foot-rot which was starting to set in .
2 ‘ He 'd tied a black scarf , or a stocking , or something over his face , and I could only see his eyes between that and his hat brim .
3 I could only see his eyes shining in the light of the fire .
4 I could only convince his wife , whose one concern is to save her stepdaughter .
5 I could still hear his voice .
6 He believed that there was a great fund of benevolent feeling in man which could often counteract his egoism , and that man also possessed a moral sense , to which benevolence appeared with a special and attractive quality of moral goodness .
7 She could easily recall his smell too , as if he were in her arms at this very moment — an expensive cologne warmly melded with his very own Mediterranean muskiness .
8 She could feel his flat , muscular strength : she could also feel his arousal as Adam kissed her firmly on the mouth .
9 Before she could even breathe his lips were on hers , fiercely and demandingly in a kiss that seemed to last forever .
10 He made a gesture to indicate she could even search his bedroom .
11 She felt she could partially excuse his megalomaniac meddlings in her genes now that she knew he was mentally unstable .
12 Antoine faltered , sagging against her so that she could barely sustain his weight .
13 With what she was going to leave to each of her relations written down in it so that when she got fed up with one of them she could just strike his name out ! ’
14 She could just imagine his look of derision , maybe even one of his put-downs .
15 Towards dawn , Miranda no longer knew whether or not she was dreaming , as she felt Adam 's flesh against hers and inhaled the pungent almond smell of love ; by the dying embers of the drawing-room fire , she could just see his face .
16 She could just see his face when she told him her mornings began at six .
17 By moving her head about and squinting through gaps in the foliage she could just follow his actions .
18 He did n't feel she could emotionally handle his anger .
19 ‘ Not usually , ’ she said through pursed lips , wishing that she could somehow refute his image of her , ‘ and please , spare me another amateur lecture on my psyche .
20 She could still hear his voice .
21 She could still taste his kiss , still feel the firm yet gentle pressure of his lips .
22 At first she had been shy and reluctant — until she discovered the power over him this could give her — that she could always command his interest and attention by resurrecting some memory long buried by forgetfulness and , sometimes , shame .
23 Besides all of that , Beth reminded herself that she had the love of a good man ; although , sadly , she could never return his love , she was bound to remain by his side until the end of her days .
24 And Dot considered her pigeon-hearted father and wondered why she could never recall his face .
25 She had decided what must have happened to him , why he was taking so long to return , and why she could never recall his face .
26 She could never share his contentment , but there were ways in which to please and help her .
27 She could certainly see his face was flushed with liquor , in that typical Asian way .
28 She might not have been able to see his expression , but she could definitely see his smile — and it was n't a very nice one .
29 The man had stopped pacing now ; he was talking , at first quietly , so that she could only see his lips moving through a screen of ferns , then he began arguing , gesticulating , running through the phrases again and again like an actor in rehearsal , pleading with someone who was n't there .
30 It suggested that they shared some sort of secret , but of course they did n't , and when he rose and drained the last mouthful of his second cup of coffee before placing the delicate china cup back in its saucer she could only follow his lead , feeling certain that the relaxed mood was broken .
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