Example sentences of "[pron] could [conj] [vb mod] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And I mean I would like to go offshore again , just to prove to myself whether I could or could not do it .
2 Laura acknowledged the need for hiring designers with their own ideas but rejected the need to be told by either accountants ( ‘ grey suits ’ as she termed them ) or shop managers what she could or could not sell .
3 The Ecumenical Center for Development argues that short term seminars or consultation in academic centres would be much more fruitful for people with a deep commitment to development who could and should not spend a year away .
4 These groups might enter into semi-permanent contracts with academics who had similar interests , and develop rules about who could and could not take part in a ‘ course ’ in a particular ‘ subject ’ and how that ‘ course ’ should be conducted .
5 With luck the senior Girl would tell them precisely what they could or could not do , and when they had to return to the Club .
6 MGM 's Louis B Mayer even told his artists who they could and could not date .
7 I set about the lump with the Woodcarver and soon discovered what it could and could not do .
8 He argued that the physical capabilities of the plant determined where it could or could not live , and studied the effects of various environmental factors , especially water , in determining the prevailing vegetation .
9 And perhaps , occasionally , he was frustrated by what he could or could not achieve .
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