Example sentences of "[pron] can [not/n't] have a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You can not have a week where you have n't got any appointments .
2 He won that actually on appeal because he said he needed to raise the funds for a project he 'd got in mind and they allowed him twenty eight days in the first year , he now carries on fourteen days without planning permission every year , but give him credit he does run it very well , er and you can not fault him , but we in our area do actually issue licences , you can not have a car boot sale or market stall without a licence and I personally have run the charity markets in er the village high street and got a licence at the cost of a pound .
3 And you can not have a situation where the the sort of almost the norm is , Any difficult decision the government is gon na have to take , there 'll be a dozen colleagues who say , not for us .
4 She did not do much for the female stereotype , but she did do away with the idea that you can not have a woman as boss .
5 ‘ The cause of this violence is the state security services … they are using certain organisations as a smokescreen so we can not have a majority in an election , ’ Mr Mandela told supporters .
6 But until we have a system that allows properly resourced public access to organisations such as UKIAS , we can not have a system that precludes people from seeking independent legal advice from private firms of solicitors .
7 Yet we can not have a cut because interest rates are now set , not according to the needs of our domestic economy , but for the sole purpose of propping up the pound in its ERM band , thus prolonging the recession .
8 John Gummer , Secretary of State for Agriculture , said : ‘ We can not have a situation in which the consumer does not have absolute confidence in British eggs .
9 We can not have a situation where no more books are written , where no more scenarios of films are made , or more music is composed .
10 So we can not have a strategy for teacher development any more than a teacher can have a strategy for child development .
11 We can not have a Briton winning the US Masters for the first time again , nor a Briton putting the green jacket on yet another Briton for the first time again .
12 said to me , ‘ We can not have a railway strike , it would be so disturbing to all of us ’ …
13 If he can not have a wedding , he will not allow mine .
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