Example sentences of "[pron] can [not/n't] [verb] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 But I can not bear to see the stars , even though I know they 're there all right , and I do see them , because Tod looks upwards at night , as everybody does , and coos and points .
2 I can not risk giving the anaemic Jeremy a chance to change your mind … ’
3 Having a sentimental attachment for them , I can not resist mentioning the Cotswold Hills of western England where the formation still quaintly known by William Smith 's original name of the " Inferior Oolite " , reaches what is for us the tremendous thickness of about 100 feet .
4 We are not rich people , I can not afford to buy the costliest brands of this or that .
5 The Council feel that SARU should concentrate on raising money for the development of rugby in the townships rather than spend it on overseas tours to countries which can not afford to finance the visits .
6 The fact of no income may well mean that she can not continue to pay the mortgage , and so she will have to move house thereby losing her home , friends and familiar surroundings .
7 Another 20 who can not face seeing the area have been invited to the British ambassador 's villa at Kakami .
8 For the benefit of other readers , who can not fail to produce the perfect buttonhole band by following these easy to understand steps — here are Sylvia 's ‘ Star Letter ’ instructions :
9 In contrast , where the profit motive is absent , services are provided for reasons other than the pursuit of profit ; for example , they are provided for the welfare of individuals who can not afford to pay the economic cost .
10 Will the Minister still tell people in Calderdale that no one who can not afford to pay the poll tax will go to prison for that inability ?
11 For those whose mains supply is disconnected , or who can not afford to pay the meter charges , stand-pipes should be provided as a public facility by local councils ( if they still exist ) .
12 Remember that if you return home at the end of the session with the work you planned to do uncompleted you can not expect to return the next day or the next week to find the situation exactly as you left it .
13 Look into the evening sky at any time during northern winter or southern summer , and you can not fail to notice the little group of stars of the Pleiades , otherwise known as the Seven Sisters .
14 If you can not afford to invest the maximum allowed each year or would rather make regular monthly savings than invest in lump sums , you can put by as little as £10 per month .
15 ‘ Money can not soften some things , ’ Wilson said ‘ and you can not begin to imagine the insults , the nature of the insults , as though I were a woman of the streets …
16 We can not afford to overlook the cruel irony enacted by the racist regime of freeing one generation of fighters from the sixties and seventies , while proceeding to serve long sentences on a new generation of fighters of the eighties .
17 We can not afford to let the Labour Party go on unopposed , cos I feel that the Conservatives are struggling for candidates , in fact I know they are .
18 A lecturer at the Architectural Exhibition of 1861 noted that ‘ we can not afford to ignore the element of association which now more than ever connects our idea of churches with good Gothic architecture .
19 We can not afford to ignore the exchange rate , ’ he cautioned .
20 We can not afford to ignore the fact that mental illness is culturally patterned , and even goes in fashions .
21 If we are to combat any attempt of the Right to exploit issues involving sexuality in order to hang onto power , we can not afford to neglect the virtue of solidarity — which involves a certain restraint concerning our feelings bout what other people do in bed .
22 On closer inspection there was quite a muddle between ‘ Chinese imperialism ’ and ‘ Vietminh military operations ’ , but it seems to have been an elementary mistake to base the assessment entirely on capability rather than intention , which the paper admitted , and was an extraordinary foundation for Rusk 's conclusion which was that : ‘ Above all , we can not afford to jeopardise the considerable measure of success our policy has already had in Indo-China by neglecting to provide the proper maintenance for our investment . ’
23 He will be aware that losses by ECGD of £3 billion , which have already been disclosed , with the possibility of a similar sum in the pipeline , suggest that we can not afford to underestimate the possible losses to the nation if we get the ECGD judgments wrong .
24 Meanwhile there 's growing violence as I 've said and we want to end the violence but we can not wait to end the violence before we have the elections and you can imagine at what great disadvantage the democratic forces will work when they try to have elections in a violent atmosphere which is determined by the state structure .
25 We can not but be overwhelmingly impressed by what the Chinese have achieved in the country and elsewhere , but at the same time we can not help seeing the comic side of the rituals in which we find ourselves participating .
26 Without this , one can not begin to grasp the size and complexity of Charles ' achievements — such as the uncanny speed with which he could move troops across great distances .
27 Give the lack of resources and expertise in state organisations , one can not help thinking the same thing about this new initiative .
28 Nevertheless , one can not escape obtaining the impression that the farming community , who stand to benefit from the financial supports and incentives available under the Directive , played a major role in defining the boundaries of the LFAs .
29 They can not expect to affect the development of a genius like Janacek .
30 Rationalization is the best way to ensure that nobody dies because they can not afford to use the basic services .
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