Example sentences of "[pron] can [adv] be seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The topmost foliage is taller than me and the growth is so dense I can not be seen from the lawn as I dig into the muddy trench which forms an oasis round the stem .
2 Such heroic ambition reminds one of the ambition which can frequently be seen in sons of mothers who have made their children too dependent on them but who are themselves ambitious and aggressive and unconsciously see their male children as their own frustrated masculinity — in the concrete terms in which the unconscious always thinks , as their penis .
3 This Engels does by showing that the Greek and Roman states , the ‘ sacred ’ sources of the European ideal , were based on principles which can also be seen in embryo among much less prestigious peoples , the American Indians .
4 The development of 19C painting in Czechoslovakia follows that elsewhere in Europe , but here it is imbued with the same emergence of a national consciousness which can also be seen in literature and architecture .
5 In a development which can also be seen in Zimbabwe , inflationary pressures have been greater for low-income urban households than for those with high incomes .
6 What the X-rays reveal , which can not be seen on the surface , are the soldered joins at the neck , handle and base as well as around the hole for the missing spout .
7 Leave plenty of breathing space between each section of speech so that your audience is not bombarded with too much information at a time , and do n't allow the commentary to describe things which can already be seen on the screen ; instead , use it to complement the pictures and provide additional ( but relevant ) information .
8 The latter solution involves the employment and training of specialist money advice workers and the development of money advice units , some of which can already be seen around the country .
9 Erm some women tend to have more pitch variation and they 're more emotional so they 're more likely to use encouraging tones er which can sometimes be seen to be slightly patronizing , whereas boys think it 's soppy to be emotional or expressive way , so that if you 're in school and you 're asking people to read out in class , erm a girl would be more likely to be more expressive , whereas a boy would be a little bit more monotonous , and just sort of read it out and not put any emotion into it .
10 In October 1959 , the Soviet probe Luna 3 first photographed the far side of the Moon , which can never be seen from the Earth .
11 The site later became known as the Vulcan Works , now demolished , and produced castings and iron gratings , some of which can still be seen in the village , and elsewhere throughout the county .
12 Besides the gnomon , or sundial , and the clepsydra , or water-clock , an improved version of which with a more constant flow was invented by Ctesibius of Alexandria c.270 BC , there is evidence of more elaborate instrumentation , such as the ‘ Tower of the Winds ’ which can still be seen in Athens , north of the Acropolis .
13 The brothers converted part of the building to make a chapel , and set up an industry in old railway huts which produced exquisite ecclesiastical embroideries , many of which can still be seen in local churches .
14 They included ‘ Flying Scotsman ’ and ‘ Mallard ’ , which in 193 8 set up the world speed record for a steam locomotive of 126 m.p.h. , and which can now be seen at York ( q.v . ) .
15 She can now be seen on general release in the Neil Jordan film The Crying Game , cast as an IRA terrorist .
16 Similar anxieties exist about the morbidity and mortality of patients who can not be seen within a satisfactory time .
17 We can not be seen to be throwing more resources at solving this murder , but the truth is , that is what we are doing . ’
18 We can only be seen from the river , and no one 's likely to be down there at this time of night . ’
19 They can also be seen in the popularity in France of the idea of attacks on British commerce as a means of forcing the traditional enemy to her knees , the belief that a guerre de course of this kind , avoiding large-scale engagements and making extensive use of privateers , would be more effective than a strategy which aimed at securing effective control of the seas .
20 Furthermore , these circumstances are said to be essentially heterogeneous , so that they can not be seen as aspects of one large contradiction ; each is a contradiction within a particular social totality .
21 These features make the life of reconstituted families very complex ; they can not be seen as enclosed entities in the same way as cereal-packet nuclear families are .
22 These eggs are so small they can not be seen with the naked eye .
23 In these circumstances they can not be seen to be sacrificing their independence for that would undermine their claims to being objective in taking decisions at work .
24 They can not be seen from the village , but are visible from Anglesey across the Menai Strait .
25 PI : Locks Warranty : In addition to withdrawing keys from locks , the keys must now also be placed where they can not be seen by a would be thief .
26 keys are withdrawn from the locks fitted to the Home and placed where they can not be seen by anyone intent on making an unauthorised entry
27 keys are withdrawn from the locks fitted to the Home and placed where they can not be seen by anyone intent on making an unauthorised entry
28 Most fungi grow as long thin threads called hyphae — they are so slender that they can only be seen under a microscope , but a mass of intertwined hyphae is visible : this is what makes up toadstools and mushrooms .
29 They are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope .
30 They can therefore be seen by most of the fans around them , especially when they hold up their arms to indicate that a chant is about to begin .
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