Example sentences of "[pron] can [verb] he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I can tell he belongs to Rufus .
2 ‘ And he has all the support I can give him to go for it next year . ’
3 Kendall said last night : ‘ I have had long talks with Peter and I am optimistic that I can get him to come to City .
4 I mean , I can remember him quitting after Ziggy Stardust in ‘ 73 , and even at that age I was going ‘ Oh , yeah , sure he 's retiring ! ’
5 Some days , when it 's damp , he has to use the stick inside , too , and I can hear him clacking about the uncarpeted rooms and corridors of the house ; a hollow noise , going from place to place .
6 Christians have hindsight , you 're looking at it , you 're looking at it two thousand years later and you can see him riding into Jerusalem on a donkey , knowing that he 's going to a victory .
7 You 'd think no-one else had ever made a film except him and you can see him coming on all good mates with the crew so they 'll make things easier for him when he gets in front of camera , so he looks five years younger and I get the shiny nose .
8 Whe he has a chest infection you can hear him wheezing from the next room
9 He lives for us , we can feel him kicking inside the idea 's belly , because the bridge-builder who does no bridge-building is vitalized by the nobody to be and nowhere to go of Dostoevsky 's inexhaustible inventive fascination .
10 I think what you want to do now , write down a list of what you want him to do and let Steve do that for tomorrow if you can and then let's see if we can make him stick to that list cos otherwise he 'll be here in
11 One can see him grappling with the difficulty in his poem-cum-essay ‘ The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm 's Son ’ , published in 1953 , the year before The Fellowship of the Ring .
12 In terms of motivating those around him Daley has no peer , and if when he finally hangs up his spikes they can convince him to go into coaching , he will be sensational .
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