Example sentences of "[pron] can [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But this gives me confidence and shows I can do well on grass . ’
2 If I know the tunes , the music and the moods in which they were brought up , I can feel more at home with them . ’
3 Come down and snooze in a garden when I am a dragon , an ocean-lurking , sky-flying free dragon ; when the mother wind that keeps the world spinning caresses my scales as I fly across the moon and bring warnings and hopes to the fiery heart of the world ; when I can dance aloft at dawn , so that the rising sun turns my every scale to a pure diamond and the tides and rhythms of the oceans slow down in delight .
4 I want a wife , the sole helpmeet I can influence efficiently in life and retain absolutely till death .
5 If I can talk immediately to scope of that amendment before moving on to some points about the budget .
6 This practical demonstration of working positively with conflict gives me confidence in your work and helps me to see how I can listen better to others .
7 I want somewhere I can call home in London .
8 Alright I can revise still in maths but it 's not the same cos when he was round here the other night he 's like in a way like the teacher .
9 Perhaps I can deal now with car crime .
10 Well I can get here for quarter to six if I leave work early but I do n't want to put you out .
11 I can get away from Home — and Them — and the weight of it all .
12 ‘ I just want good health , so I can work again at Chelsea every day , ’ he says .
13 I can fall downstairs at home , and I wo n't cry or say a word about it ! ’
14 Sometimes the tides run fast an' sometimes a man gets the feelin' 'e can swim across from shore ter shore with ease when it 's runnin' slow .
15 The first requirement must be love of and pride in one 's country , which can grow only in men and women who genuinely feel they have a stake in it , however small ; men and women who know that their own initiative , ingenuity , and hard work will improve that stake and make fuller and more secure lives for their families .
16 Because i that she can keep right through adult life , ca n't she her
17 Yes , but she can come home at weekends , on the train . ’
18 But for a beetle who can think only in terms of two dimensions , it does appear to shrink .
19 There are mothers and daughters who can talk freely about sex , and mothers who send or accompany their daughter to the doctor to get the Pill , as Tracy 's mother had , but they tend to be the exception .
20 We find brilliant improvisers who can create only in bursts of unrelated material , building no overall form , working to no emotive plan .
21 The experience of other advanced economies would lead us to expect the increasing dominance of larger manufacturing firms who can benefit more from economies of scale as the level of output and capital investment increases .
22 From the Latin limbus ( the edge ) , it is the name given to the region inhabited by those spirits who can go neither to Heaven because they are not baptised , nor to Hell because they have committed no great sin .
23 There are others less admirable , who can banter away with colleagues and friends but who save their bile of resentment for their spouse or family .
24 You can eat inside with air conditioning if you wish but most people prefer the veranda overlooking the Key .
25 Because Windows applications share common operational techniques , you can move easily between applications without having to learn a different set of commands for each .
26 If you would like to donate food or toiletries to Aid Unlimited you can do so at Glengormley Health Centre , or phone David Dunbar on Belfast 849737 , or Dessie Jordan on Belfast 718267 .
27 Accordingly , when you have identified the areas in common , and the divergences , between exam questions and essay topics of your own , you can draw appropriately on skills you have learnt in one kind of work while doing another .
28 Chapter Fourteen outlines the procedure for the elimination diet — you should have already completed the equivalent of Stage 1 , so you can go straight into Stage 2 .
29 You 're alright , you can go tonight with Paula
30 The ski resort as such is not down in the valley at all , would that it were ; rather , it is perched to devastatingly conspicuous effect on the side of a mountain to the west , up to which you can go either by car along a new road or by cable-car from the centre of Saint-Lary .
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