Example sentences of "[pron] has [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Because the practice is something in which people share , there are behavioural criteria for saying that someone has cottoned on to the use of an expression .
2 But it is not merely the world of ideas and scholarship which has moved on since the 19th century .
3 The magnificent palace of Diocletian at Split , which inspired Robert Adam , the English designer of the eighteenth century , and also influenced the contemporary Georgian styles , still forms the outer shell , a square mile in area , which surrounds the vibrant city which has grown up over the centuries within and around its protective walls .
4 Well quite a lot of the lakes and streams have lost their fish , of course that 's the , that 's the most important thing , between , particularly salmon and trout , and we have discovered that they are killed not so much by the acid , but by the aluminium which has leaked out of the soil by the acid water , the acid rain , and er that er the fish find this very hard to tolerate .
5 The two-layered cameo of Augustus which has ended up in the British Museum bears tangible evidence of regard , even of awe , in the delicate circlet of gems , including a miniature cameo , affixed to it while in the hands of a medieval owner ( fig. 26 ) .
6 In the early twentieth century this linear model of human evolution was rejected in favour of a theory in which there were several parallel lines of human development , only one of which has survived through into the present .
7 Some investment occurs , though , simply to replace capital which has worn out during the year — such ‘ wearing out ’ of capital is called ‘ depreciation ’ or ‘ capital consumption ’ .
8 ‘ Look at the extraordinary cross-section of Fleet Street which has turned up for the launch . ’
9 After a few hours ' driving , we stop by a small lake brimming with clear water which has tumbled down from the escarpment through dense forest .
10 SCOTLAND HAS failed to fill the entrepreneurial gap which has opened up over the last decade since the decline of the nationalised and heavy industries , the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , will acknowledge next week .
11 An encouraging aspect of the Rossini celebration is the wider view of his art which has opened up in the past quarter of a century .
12 Just an hour later tory hopeful , John Taylor began his campaign with top level backing from Health Minister , William Waldegrave , visiting a old people 's home which has opted out from the local authority .
13 They can hardly design a Mulberry harbour and tented village for Iona which has held out against the ravages of the Atlantic , the Viking , the climate , and the disinterest of the Scot in his religious heritage .
14 ‘ The disclosure of the tape of the call between the prince and Mrs Parker Bowles is the final proof which has brought out into the open the close relationship between them .
15 From Wolhusen the circular itinerary now continues south on road 10 which has come in on the left ( ie east from Luzern .
16 Since the disease is heterosexually transmitted in Africa , the group which has come in for the most blame for its rapid spread have been the many poor women who have been supporting themselves in Nairobi through commercial sex .
17 It is remarkable that the present Government have never reflected upon the great increase in public expenditure , and the substantial change in its pattern , which has come about during the past five years in consequence of their policies in the field of the social services .
18 The changing costs of capital and labour will result in industrial structural changes creating an acceptable society which has come about through the operation of market forces and not because powerful interests have adopted particular technologies which suit them but are detrimental to the interests of weaker groups in society .
19 Kelman 's work forms part of a flowering of talent which has come about in the urban Scotland of the last few years .
20 This is not to undervalue the change in judicial thinking which has come about in the last 30 years .
21 Though I suppose one has to make a passing one has to make a passing er reference to the information which has come out in the other house erm and be publicised this weekend in the press but er er at one million almost one million a slug , M E Ps do n't come cheap , er I suppose one however would want to make allowances for the fact that they have three parliamentary buildings , that they have to go on trips and that er they have to pay er er I suppose German rates for their bureaucracy so there clearly are exceptional factors and indeed I would n't want to make too much of that .
22 The members of this parliament immediately set about introducing legislation to reform abuses within the English Catholic church , and during the course of the next seven years they passed a series of statutes which would lead that church into schism and formalize its break with the Roman papacy , which has lasted down to the present day .
23 With this the criticism of traditional orthodox formulations , which had long been regarded as absolutely central and essential to Christian belief , came on the stage in a new way and ushered in a debate which has continued up to the present .
24 From then on there was a sustained increase in output and productivity , which has continued through to the 1980s .
25 Anyone who has visited a newspaper office in the last five years with expectations from cinematic memories of Citizen Kane or who has struggled back from the newsagent on a Sunday morning with a sample of what is laughably offered as a ‘ leisurely read ’ will know that much has changed .
26 Unsure of whether she does owe him an explanation , of how much of her perspective she can get across in a conversation , and unwilling to let go of the London Kate who has broken through to the surface , she is ashamed of her suspicions of his reasons for asking her back to his place and agrees .
27 The former England winger said : ‘ As someone who has spouted on over the years about contracts , I am not about to walk out on my one with Crystal Palace .
28 He said : ‘ As someone who has spouted on over the years about contracts , I am not about to walk out on my one with Crystal Palace . ’
29 It certainly was a disgusting display from a man who has bowed out from the game very publicly .
30 That is the view of Northern Ireland Economy Minister Robert Atkins who has spoken out for the first time about Mrs Major , wife of his long time friend , the Prime Minister .
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