Example sentences of "[pron] has [pron] do [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now we in the Harrogate Civic Society would like to see the rest of the district allocation reduced at least to fifty hectares which has something to do with the forecast requirement on the grounds of past take-up , and I believe it is nearer the original figure for the rest of the district floated by the county in the initial consultations before amendment was made to the allocation between Greater York and the rest of the district .
2 The agent takes 15 per cent of the band 's earnings which has nothing to do with the band 's costs .
3 Yet I think there is a difference between the control of living systems and the stability of physical ones , which has nothing to do with the presence or absence of a controlling intelligence .
4 If , however , the music is highly chromatic , our memory of the original key is quickly obscured , so that we accept the establishment of new keys readily and are not disturbed if the music ends in a tonality which has nothing to do with the original key .
5 If it 's some notion of individuation which has nothing to do with the body , nothing to do with the soul and nothing to do , ultimately , with the intellect either .
6 In practice , however , it is very likely that the person who creates a DC , and enters all the initial information about it , will be a technical assistant , who has nothing to do with the actual implementation of the DC .
7 After watching the eye movements of subjects during REM sleep , and then obtaining reports from them of intense visual imagery , it seems only natural to assume that one has something to do with the other .
8 ‘ But I think the most likely is that it has something to do with a girl . ’
9 It has something to do with a person 's occupation , the control and autonomy a person has , the amount of training required in order to do a particular job , the way occupation shapes life chances , income , style of life , the kind of social activities engaged in , the prestige a particular occupation attracts from others , and may be more .
10 But it is charitable to assume that it has something to do with the kind of critic that Pound is .
11 Possibly it has something to do with the peculiar mixture of moral sensibility and religious revival which marked English society from the mid-18th century onwards .
12 Usually it has something to do with the needs created by sharing : sharing the task of killing a large prey , sharing the task of defending the group against predators , sharing body heat to keep warm at night ; sharing out different duties that can be performed at the same time ; sharing the food that has been obtained by special members of the group ; and so on .
13 Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that we are in the middle of the media silly-season , a time when papers and TV news bulletins are full of doom-laden Christmas tales .
14 Maybe it has something to do with the curious outlook he had on life .
15 One view is that it has something to do with the energy , drive and willingness to take risks associated ( in the ‘ up ’ phase , at least ) with traits underlying manic-depression .
16 I suppose it has something to do with the feeling that what came out of America tended to operate at either of two levels .
17 It has something to do with the extent of a pupil 's knowledge ; for example , anyone giving 50 feet as the height of a door can not know very much about the size of a foot .
18 It has something to do with the distinction between service industries and service occupations .
19 It 's not easy to predict why shame should operate one way or , or another and although it has something to do with the superego , you ca n't just say well the superego is er purely the result of erm of , of socialization , if you have strict parents you have a strict superego , it 's not that simple .
20 ‘ I think it has something to do with the word counselling ; people seem afraid of it — maybe it conjures up the wrong image — that they feel they 've failed in some way if they have to resort to counselling .
21 Perhaps chemical-sensitive patients are affected by pine resins — which contain a lot of natural toxins to protect the tree — but it has nothing to do with the origins of coal and oil .
22 It has nothing to do with the physical addiction .
23 ‘ I ca n't because I am not as good as they are , and it has nothing to do with the state of the ball . ’
24 So what if it has nothing to do with the record inside ?
25 The grumbles of J. Alfred Prufrock in early Eliot are endurable if they are meant to be ridiculous , but only then ; and sitting around on Margate sands , or anywhere else , trying to connect nothing with nothing may be all right for Harvard men abroad , but ( as Eliot must already have discovered when he wrote The Waste Land ) it has nothing to do with the daily life of the Londoner .
26 Incidentally , although sometimes called the Tuesday rose , it has nothing to do with the French words for either Monday ( lundi ) or Tuesday ( mardi ) .
27 It has nothing to do with the utility , justice or rationality of the conditions of respublica .
28 It has nothing to do with the commercial future of nuclear power .
29 It has nothing to do with the arguments which the hon. Gentleman has put forward .
30 They have risen everywhere , under Governments of every political complexion , so it has nothing to do with the nature of the politics of a country .
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