Example sentences of "[pron] will have [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I will have to be patient and then build up my knee for next season .
2 The more care you have taken in your application , gathering background information , knowing what questions you want to ask , preparing yourself to counter any awkward questions , ensuring that you are suitably dressed and that you arrive unflustered in good time for your appointment , the less reason you will have to be nervous and the more confident you will feel .
3 Although you are all for outings with a pack , you will have to be content with your lot for now .
4 I would not expect them to pair and breed until they are at least four inches long , so you will have to be patient .
5 It takes about 15 minutes to do this so you will have to be realistic about how frequently you could schedule it in .
6 You will have to be quick , for Lotus produces only small numbers of cars and demand is likely to be high .
7 You may need to remain nearby in case they do slip , but this can prevent some people from functioning so you will have to be sensitive to their feelings .
8 You will have to be ruthless if you find that they do n't press successfully , and either move them to another site in the garden , or give them to someone else .
9 We will have to be careful , ’ he said .
10 There will have to be specific help for those in the least favoured areas , and particular help for restructuring in the southern countries of Europe .
11 It may be that there will have to be extensive changes in those institutions in the years to come .
12 With the price cuts , they will have to be content making money on service and support .
13 Gift wrap presents — they will have to be unwrapped for security or customs
14 They will have to be patient for returns .
15 They will have to be able to recognise the various transient and accident conditions and the plant 's response to them and appreciate events that are caused , or worsened , by in appropriate action on their part .
16 It will have to be right first time .
17 The kettle 's on ; it will have to be instant coffee — there 's no time to percolate any . ’
18 It also believes that if the Church wants better music and musicians , it will have to be prepared to pay more at least for its music leaders .
19 Even so , if the sequence is to come off it will have to be stage-managed to some extent : children who are young enough to believe in Santa Claus are not old enough to carry the action on their own without the help of an adult to keep things moving .
20 As it was , he will have to be content with a worthy second prize from the Captain .
21 As it was , he will have to be content with a worthy second prize and undoubted attention from that pernicious body of men , who seem to be hovering forever around the competition results waiting to strike — the handicapping committee ! ’
22 Since the Bill relates to that breakout , I take the opportunity to tell the Home Secretary once more that sooner or later he will have to be frank with the House and the country about what occurred at Brixton and about what he knew .
23 Inevitably , that means he will have to be meddlesome .
24 What basically emerges from the planning point of view is the number of objectives that need to be considered in terms of pupil performance — not only what he will be able to do at completion ( on which educational technologists have understandably concentrated ) but also what he will have to be able to do in the process .
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