Example sentences of "[pron] will [adv] [verb] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I still love rugby so I will probably attempt to play a game .
2 ‘ Sir , ’ I replied , ‘ I will never help to take a brave nation 's freedom away .
3 Somebody will then decide to give an impromptu reply if the best man does n't , which makes him feel he should have spoken .
4 Which will just have to remain a necessity , ’ she advised him tightly , conscious of a sudden increase in the perpetual tension between them .
5 She must try to pack everything in one box , for she will not need many clothes for twelve days ; and she will probably have to bring a hat-box , though indeed the latter will be a little inconvenient .
6 He or she will also need to obtain a Court Order .
7 Even if she is sympathetic , it does n't mean that she will automatically want to start a serious relationship with you just because she is gay .
8 Later , each division will be able to undertake their own risk assessments , using their NEBOSH trained personnel , who will also have completed a short risk assessment course .
9 Bonuses for early completion are being offered to contractors who will also have to pay a charge for late completion .
10 If you should decide to concentrate on one particular nursing specialty then you will probably want to undertake a clinical nursing studies course .
11 If it is someone associated with your client in the workplace , such as a foreman , then you will probably want to make a tactful approach through a fellow worker or a trade union official .
12 You will probably have to do a bit of hunting around in order to find the fittings for making connections to cast-iron stacks : if local merchants do n't have what you need , contact a specialist firm .
13 Clean out the joint and , if necessary , replace the seal : you will probably have to take a sample of a joint along to your merchant in order to find a matching replacement .
14 If you pay-in at a branch of a different bank from your own you will probably have to pay a small fee at the counter .
15 You will probably have had a chance to practise with the hand-held mask at antenatal class .
16 You will probably have to have a tetanus injection , particularly if you have wounded yourself while gardening .
17 For some types of shot models will do their own hair and make-up , but if you are acting for a manufacturer of hair preparations or beauty products you will probably need to use a hair stylist and a make-up artist .
18 Unless you have a fair experience of building handicrafts and a lot of time on your hands , you will probably need to hire a builder , and you should take as much care over this as possible since the quality of building work varies very substantially indeed , and two different firms of builders , next to each other in the ‘ Yellow Pages ’ may reflect totally different standards and attitudes .
19 Before you start saying the words you will probably need to tap a quite fast regular beat , and then say the sentences with each syllable given one beat , saying one syllable at each beat .
20 In fact , you will probably need to overcome a certain reluctance to be recorded , whatever your location .
21 In choosing your background materials you will already have made a commitment to a particular colour .
22 Although the latter method makes the mount far less delicate whenever it is handled , I feel that the cold-seal film detracts from the beauty of the flowers and that simple gluing is far superior — you will just have to take a little more care when handling the finished product .
23 You will also want to choose a type that will suit your special needs , for example , you may require it to bend round a bay , and you will need to consider whether a pre-corded version is necessary .
24 You will not see vast amounts of fat lost in a day , but you will come to understand how your behaviour relates to your body weight , and you will also avoid getting a horrendous shock when you step on the scales .
25 You will also need to run an airstone from an aquarium pump to the fish to provide them with plenty of oxygen and to monitor the water for ammonia and nitrite .
26 You will also need to complete a fresh application if you elect to pay another policy by ESIPLAN .
27 The program requires DOS 3.0 or later , and you will also need to have a separate virus scanning program , and a formatted system disk in order to complete the installation .
28 The program requires DOS 3.0 or later , and you will also need to have a separate virus scanning program , and a formatted system disk in order to complete the installation .
29 You will also need to have an aptitude for mathematics .
30 now some of you will also have seen a form being circulated , asking you to agree that the recordings that are being made of the discussions , can be used as part of a research project .
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