Example sentences of "[pron] would [vb infin] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Not that I would prevent you from confessing , ’ she added hastily .
2 Erm , I think it fair to say that if you 'd asked more or less to the next meeting and probably sub-committee would be quite , quite acceptable and I would thank you for drawing it to our to our attention .
3 Perhaps if he wrecked the thermostat , someone would think it worth putting a little pressure on their British friends .
4 Alternatively , they are matters together with those specifically mentioned below which would influence me against granting an injunction .
5 The factors which would influence you in deciding on the form of business include :
6 The firm should keep the matter under regular review and be alert to the possibility of a breach in the wall ( accidental or otherwise ) or to other circumstances arising which would prevent them from continuing to act : in which events the client must be informed immediately .
7 The approaches to the education of children with special needs , culminating in the 1981 Education Act , are equally applicable to pupils with defective vision , some of whom will be included among those pupils who are defined as having learning disabilities significantly greater than the majority of their peers , or as having some disability which would prevent them from having their needs fully met without special educational adaptations or modification to their curriculum .
8 the solicitor has an existing client or an interest of his/her own which would prevent him/her from working solely in your interests .
9 ‘ We want a pay deal now to solve all our problems and a formula which would prevent us from taking action in future , ’ a spokesman said .
10 ‘ We want a pay deal now to solve all our problems and a formula which would prevent us from taking action in future , ’ a spokesman said .
11 ‘ We want a pay deal now to solve all our problems and a formula which would prevent us from taking action in future . ’
12 ‘ We want a pay deal now to solve all our problems and a formula which would prevent us from taking action in future . ’
13 They did not realise that three years would elapse before Black 's injuries would be sufficiently stabilised to enable them to be measured by his doctors or that there are factors in the functioning of the United Kingdom judicial system which would thwart him from securing justice in the courts .
14 She would occasionally reward Thatcherite newspapers , such as the Express , with a gracious , unrevealing interview ; on television , Sir Robin Day and Brian Walden would flatter her by pretending to be tough , and she would flatter them by pretending they were .
15 And if he lived on the other side of the world she would think nothing of flying to meet him , she said .
16 She very much doubted that when she got home , if she ever did , she would think it worth asking her mother .
17 But at last I learned to know what a lie was : to induce my mother to stop beating me I would lie — I would say , yes , I had lied and was sorry , and then she would whip me for having withheld the admission so long .
18 ‘ The sort who would think nothing of putting their rubbish out on the side of the road , ’ as one observer noted , ‘ but who still feel very strongly indeed that there should be no goldmining here .
19 For example , if you wish your ‘ commanding ’ child to wait patiently until a more convenient time for her demands to be met , you could reinforce ( reward ) her for waiting for ( say ) ten seconds , subsequently you would reinforce her for waiting for a longer interval of time , gradually increasing the interval each time you ask her to wait .
20 I venture to write and enquire if you would oblige me by calling at this Officer , at some time convenient to yourself : I am not at liberty to offer any further information at this juncture , but I think I may say that our meeting will be to your advantage .
21 As I believe that you both did , when you were my age — if you can remember so far back — but I knew you would prevent me from doing so if I told you the truth . ’
22 Another consequence of keeping cats in this restricted way would be that you would prevent them from acting as predators of some anti-social species , e.g. rats and mice .
23 And if you would do it without telling Mr Thacker .
24 We hope that the Minister will get the best deal that he possibly can to protect our farmers and we would support him in achieving that objective .
25 She would lay the table her own way , not the French way , and no one would reprove her for putting the forks and spoons face up .
26 No one would suspect her of killing Gebrec ? ’
27 One would not think that that was Labour 's intention from reading the document ’ London United ’ issued by the Labour party , but one would know it from reading the draft of that document which the Labour party did not dare publish .
28 In spite of the iciness of the day he felt warm and exhilarated , and he was determined that nothing would prevent him from attending .
29 If it were kept isolated during the critical period nothing would prevent it from becoming an affectionless psychopath for the remainder of its life .
30 Obviously he had thought that the mere sight of them would frighten her into standing quietly and listening , but he was wrong .
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