Example sentences of "[pron] we [vb past] [coord] [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 However , we did not have the very high rates on many goods such as television sets , which are described as luxury goods but are essentials for many people — rates which we inherited and which I understand that the Labour party would consider again .
2 These traditions were encapsulated in everything which we did and which we were taught .
3 He also warned us that , once we were back in London , we were to be careful where we went , to whom we talked and what we ate and drank .
4 As we have said we are a new newsletter team and feel we could print a newsletter containing what we wanted or what we thought ought to be there .
5 We should have had our case prepared and presented to him , spelling out what we wanted and what we could not accept , before he took his decision .
6 Cameron , impressed but evidently rather baffled , minuted that he approved of the proposals and found them ‘ entirely in accord with what we wanted and what I thought was being practised ’ .
7 She knew exactly what we did and who we worked for .
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