Example sentences of "[pron] she could [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Had n't she already taken time off work which she could ill afford in her sister 's interests ?
2 She splashed herself liberally , trying to reduce the flush which she could still feel on her cheeks .
3 The remark was tinged with the suggestion that she would like a witness , apart from Marshall whom she could reasonably assume to be biased in Wickham 's favour .
4 The frustration of what she could only identify as love for him , plus the fact that she 'd given herself to him so completely , mixed with her suspicion that he was still using her in some way to further his own undisclosed purposes , had engendered a turmoil of emotions within her , among which , she was ashamed and horrified to realise , lurked a certain impulse to exercise violence on his person .
5 But , he favoured her with what she could only perceive as a reassuring smile when , ‘ I 'm on my way to Mariánské Láznë myself , ’ he commented easily , ‘ so that 's one problem you can forget . ’
6 There she found herself ensconced in a huge grey suede and chrome armchair , clutching a hefty measure of Scotch , and staring blankly around at what she could only assume to be the ‘ minimalist ’ style of interior decoration .
7 She was shocked to the very roots of her being by what she could only think of as an outrage ; a violation of her person .
8 ‘ And that from an Aussie ? ’ she was startled into answering , then went pink when he gave her a look of what she could only describe as approval .
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