Example sentences of "[pron] she [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This is Mrs Crupp 's dish of kidneys , sir , for which she sent out to the pastrycook in David Copperfield .
2 Tilda appeared with a ball of oozing clay in her arms which she flung down on the table .
3 The locals thought she was a stuck-up bitch from Belfast , which she played up to the hilt , and the other guests — foreigners , mostly Dutch and Germans by their collar sizes — were taken by her vivacity , and the calm indulgence of the quiet , handsome man opposite her , who said little , smiled a lot , and ordered a second full fried breakfast in a way that had the waitress fit to melt into his arms .
4 At first people were suspicious ; they could not understand why she was so interested in these details , which she wrote down in a schoolbook .
5 From it she took a book , which she carried over to the dressing-table .
6 For the first time since Tamar had met her , the putty-coloured cheeks were flushed and the hands which she held out for the child were shaking .
7 She wrapped them in a piece of pale yellow silk which she tied up with a purple ribbon , and enclosed them in a square biscuit tin which she pushed to the very back of the buffet , behind the piles of tablecloths and napkins .
8 Another friend puts all her bits and pieces like grooming brushes and fly repellent in an old door manger , which she fastened on to the door .
9 By the way — ’ She opened her bag and drew out the incriminating tape , which she put down on the round antique table which stood at the centre of the hall .
10 She dresses for the most part in a pink frilly fairy costume in which she walks down to the beach , paints , dances and collects snails .
11 I could still read the name of the English toffee manufacturer on the lid which she prised off with a knife .
12 As she reached them she glanced back at the hire car , knowing that she could n't leave it there for long .
13 Sandra Peden , her that works in the Co-operative she 's a Gold Medallist in Elocution you know , well wait till I tell you she came on in a long Laura Ashley nightdress carrying a Wee Willie Winkie candlestick with wee pink bedsocks and a matching pompom hat and did Holy Willie 's Prayer .
14 Her other recreation is playing the violin , something she took up at the age of 11 when she went on to become a member of the Preston Youth Orchestra .
15 She spotted an identical model to the one she gave back in a cost-cutting gesture this week when she visited a bicycle tyre factory in Middlesbrough .
16 He was hardly aware of moving , but when he pushed the postern closed behind him she stepped back into the gateway , eyeing him with very human caution .
17 When he opened the door for her she stepped out towards the dark stairs of the barn , her mind still in the bright , airy room , and at the top of the steps she suddenly swayed giddily , pitching towards the stairs .
18 When he tried to upstage her she sauntered down to the front of the stage and such was her control over the audience now , he had to back off , otherwise it would have been he who looked ridiculous .
19 And sh they she was given erm some sort of oh something to put her to sleep or whatever gas and I know sh she seemed to know what she was doing but this lady that was there with her she passed out with the smell of gas in the room so she was n't much help .
20 Then with her crutch to aid her she slipped out of the door and round the blind side of the building , hobbling into the cover of the under-brush .
21 ‘ The first time she went out in it she came back into the house giggling that she 'd driven through town with the top down , even though it was freezing .
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