Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] been [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I have also been to the Guildhall , ’ he mournfully concluded ‘ The mayor told me in no uncertain terms how displeased His Grace the Regent Duke of Lancaster is at our lack of progress .
2 I have already been to the bank .
3 However , I have now been through the notebook you left with me and there are a few things I wish .
4 I have never been of the opinion that an artist is great simply because he works in New York or Paris .
5 I have never been in the business of producing art-crap , he wrote .
6 As I have never been in the habit of working at my easel every morning from 8 am , I only feel inclined to work when something stirs me in some way .
7 EXPERTS are questioning the value of home-cholesterol testing kits which have now been on the market for six months .
8 The ten privatised water authorities have lifted their prices by just under 13% ; the 29 statutory water companies ( which have always been in the private sector and supply water , but not sewage services , to about a quarter of the population of England and Wales ) have increased theirs by over 15% .
9 But the finality of the announcement is another cruel blow to the young princes who have already been through the wringer over revelations in the Andrew Morton book Diana : Her True Story .
10 The ideal of an unrelated self is shown to be an ideal developed by people who have never been in the position of having primary responsibility for the care of children or the old .
11 Those normally at work but disabled by non-industrial illness have had a limited cover under National Insurance , and those who have never been in the workforce have very limited special provision and must rely on income support if they lack resources .
12 And , and the people sitting in Shanghai , who have never been in the rural areas which is
13 I think the one clear thing to come out from my study is that erm with very careful preparation and with adequate thought about teaching methods that a school can successfully go over to mixed ability teaching without any necessary impact on the standards of performance of the pupils , and this has really been justified recently in the O level results of pupils who have now been through the mixed ability system and finished their O levels in the school .
14 And this has really been justified recently in the ‘ O ’ level results of pupils who have now been through the mixed ability system and finished their ‘ O ’ levels in the school , and they performed well — in some areas better than the streamed pupils did previously .
15 Due , to a large extent , to the activities of the voluntary organisations , who have always been in the forefront in guiding policy on this issue , much has been achieved .
16 Given that you have already been through the design process and selected the details concerning the number of columns , typeface and so on , now is the time to load all the prepared information into your chosen publishing package .
17 Er I do n't know whether any of you have ever been into the little private chapel , St William 's Chapel which is reserved for private prayer and early morning service .
18 That 's not to say that it is a waste of time reading it even if you have never been to the remote geographical placement .
19 Tealtaoich said , ‘ You have always been on the side of justice , Trees ; come with us and fight with us and for us , as you have done in the past . ’
20 He says ; It seemed somehow exotic we have already been to the Bahamas and Bermuda and this seemed different .
21 He knows we have always been of the view that given the limited resources that the best cost effective use of those resources would be to merge the administration .
22 They have also been to the fore in the planning of opposition to the recent Anglo-Irish talks even though they know that the collapse of those talks will make it very unlikely that the constitutional Catholic Social Democratic and Labour Party will take its place in the Assembly .
23 They have also been among the major victims of the failure of the government 's inner city policies .
24 Where economies in Whitehall have been made , they have usually been at the expense of services or functions .
25 Most modern houses have very little fortuitous ventilation because improved standards of insulation and draught-proofing have made them much more air-tight than they have ever been in the past .
26 Moreover , mystical movements are no more prevalent in the West than they have ever been from the Dionysian rites to the temple of Aimee McPherson .
27 Well I know , but it was sad because in Gosport that was what keep most of them going , I mean like they said none of them have never been on the dole before , they 've all been there since they 've left school , there was a couple there
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