Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] got [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The other vineyards were all wiped out in the phylloxera epidemic of the last century and never replanted ; but lonely though it is on the local wine lists , Irouléguy will do nicely ; I have never got much beyond the stage of dividing wines into nice and nasty when it comes to describing them , so all I shall say is that Irouléguy is nice .
2 Although I 'd hardly call it hounding myself , merely a timely reminder that you have n't got away with it , ’ he corrected warningly .
3 We have n't got anywhere near a dozen yet !
4 We have n't got close to the matter yet , we are n't really working at it . ’
5 Managers need to be alert to the influences that in combination persuade staff to take ( and condone others taking ) short cuts through the safety rules and procedures because , mistakenly , the perceived benefits outweigh the risks , and they have perhaps got away with it in the past .
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