Example sentences of "[pron] 's not [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Chairman , er if I might I was going to refer again to the care carefully worded recommendation which does n't actually mention the level of erm it simply mentions erm er a modest extent of under provision because clearly it says elsewhere in the report at two ten that it 's not yet known whether there will be opportunities elsewhere , so that 's a particular shortfall in provision to be made up .
2 It 's not yet known whether they 'll make a claim for compensation .
3 Now , er it 's , it 's not yet known when the General Election is , but er will you be ready for it ?
4 It 's not yet known if any inmates have been killed apart from the remand prisoner Derek White who died yesterday in hospital .
5 But er Nottingham 's er city that 's proud of its nature it 's not generally realized that there 's about a hundred nature reserves in the City of Nottingham maintained by the city of the Notts Wild Life Trust and er this is great on the outskirts but in the city centre there 's too little nature in it .
6 He said it 's you know it 's it 's it 's not easily done but he 's seen them quite a lot .
7 It 's not said , this is the problem , it 's not openly declared and it should be .
8 It 's not enough to say that things can be done differently or better .
9 He 's not even registered as born . ’
10 He 's not yet hanged and I wish to speak with him , now ! ’
11 " He 's not really called that , is he ? "
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