Example sentences of "[pron] 's [adv] that [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She 's just that if she did n't take that potion of mine she would have killed herself anyway .
2 It 's simply that while we 've been playing well in possession , we have n't been doing the job when the opposition have had the ball .
3 It 's just that while we 've been together it 's been the activity you 've indulged in most .
4 It 's just that once you 've started on a war , there 's no stopping it .
5 It 's just that after we went to live in South Africa it seemed a sensible choice for a third language , as the only non-English-speaking countries among the front line states are Mozambique and Angola . ’
6 It 's not that I 've anything against audiences , it 's just that when they 're a blur they 're so friendly — just one big smiley mess .
7 It 's just that when I see him I forget all that .
8 It 's just that when you first hear a record and do n't know how to make one , you think it 's too hard until you actually meet somebody who can do it , ’ offers Tony .
9 Or maybe it 's just that when you are away from home you feel more adventurous .
10 It 's just that when you get two things happening like that , people say there 's going to be three , do n't they ?
11 And they can do maths , they just , it 's just that when you call it maths they say they ca n't do it .
12 It 's just that when he talks to people he gets a bit frightened .
13 I 'm talking about quarter past seven , at this time , well there 's no real need for them to be up now it 's just that if they get , they like to have a a little bit of a play time .
14 well he said the house is going up for sale , I think he thinks I 'll be patient in that direction , it 's not that , it 's just that if it was a nice house , a normal house where the kids can play out on a nice day and just hang the washing out , I could be getting on with it
15 No I mean it 's not , it 's not that , it 's just that if you 've got , if you 've got anything you want to say on these cases , then it 's worth bringing it out now .
16 on a Tuesday , it 's just that if you come across anything , do n't go scouring
17 Do n't I mean do n't , do n't buy it just for this it 's just that if you had it handy
18 But I did n't do it with dieting — it 's just that as you get older , and I 'm 62 now , you do n't need as much food .
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