Example sentences of "[pron] were [vb pp] [adv prt] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dimetrodon and other dinosaurs padded about on the surface of the Coal Measures which were bent up into the great hump-like structure , or anticline , of the Pennines ( Diagram 4 ) .
2 He wore a black leather jacket heavily embossed with metal studs and his legs , which were stretched out into the aisle , were wrapped in an assortment of rags and torn denim .
3 The issue was solved , not by due legal process , but by a brawl between the colonists and the village lads , who were chased back into the Soviet building which was later smashed up .
4 And er then we were led through into the assembly area .
5 For we were seized up into a kind of ritual which seemed afterwards to have its formal cadences like a dance .
6 Although many of the yeniçeri forgot all about their origins and became fanatical Muslims , behaving oppressively to their former compatriots when they were posted back into the Balkans , others , like Sokolović , kept in contact with their people and tried to help them .
7 When it jerked to a stop they were led out into a narrow carpeted passage .
8 Conservationists discovered the extent of the destruction when they were allowed back into the area recently .
9 After her coy glances and generous cups of wine , they were lured out into the dark so Rachel might speak where no spy could overhear .
10 Rex followed Laura into the cab which was becoming their second home and they were driven off into A Night of Danger .
11 When starting out in the aircraft spares business , twenty Tiger Moth wings were acquired , which after a period in storage were deemed to be taking up too much space , so reluctantly they were taken out into the back yard and burnt .
12 They were taken out into the grounds , weather permitting , otherwise ‘ they spend most of their day in this ward , which is a day-and-night nursery combined .
13 We therefore know that there was long-distance transport of stone axes in prehistoric Britain , which may have begun with carriage of axes from the axe factory to a secondary distribution centre , from where they were traded out into the surrounding area .
14 So , despite the loss of the temple , and its intricate system of worship and sacrifice , the hereditary priesthood had a role — a role which expanded , in fact , as the People themselves were thrust out into the world .
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