Example sentences of "[pron] were [v-ing] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 After that win , Hope 's family and supporters celebrated with champagne in the dressing room and Lawless recalled : ‘ We only had a few glasses and Mo and I were drinking out of the same one .
2 Last night he and I were sitting silently in the kitchen at about midnight , when Heathcliff came home .
3 Behind them , he could just see the small wooden houses and the deep green leaves of the coconut trees , which were moving lazily in the soft afternoon wind .
4 Amanda had been all enthusiastic even in the rain , saying it was spray in her face and look at the gulls , which were swooping down on the shoal of crisp packets and orange peel trailing in the wake .
5 Dej and his colleagues did not want to remain the poor peasant cousins of the other Communist states which were going off along the high road to communism .
6 And then there was these these thick er straw ropes going over and then there were the other which were going sideways along the roof to hold the thatch down .
7 It did not so much contest with the establishment as succeed in areas like the mining districts of Cornwall , Kingswood and around Newcastle , where there was no contest in the sprawling villages which were growing out of the reach of a moribund parish structure .
8 Tribe caught them up as they were attacking a pair of two-seaters which were climbing away from the British Line , if there still was one , having just bombed an artillery position .
9 The trend was illustrated by the new cemeteries , which were springing up on the cities ' fringes .
10 At this time , however , Christianity was only one among a number of competing religions in the Roman empire which were coming increasingly under the cosmopolitan influence of Hellenistic civilization .
11 I was pretty odd for Blackheath but not in comparison with the people who were hanging out at the It office .
12 After the ceremony of the Wheel there was a firework display and people bought chips and hot-dogs from traders with vans who were cashing in on the occasion .
13 Apprehension about the Spaniards turned out to be unjustified ; they had serious problems with the Dutch , who were moving forward in the West Indies , and also with the trade winds , that blew from the east and made it very hard for ships from the Spanish Main or from the larger islands like Cuba to reach the smaller islands .
14 He had to hitch his chair forward to make room for a party who were moving in around the table behind him .
15 They nodded to Maggie Jones and Ida Bromsgrove who were chatting together on the doorstep , and to Grace Crossley , the landlady of the Kings Arms which stood on the corner of Page Street .
16 When I 'd called in at Sunil 's place after Prentice had driven off , Nassim was on the landing yelling orders to the builders who were crashing around in the bathroom .
17 Its elaborate ritual and its uniform of white hooded sheets appealed particularly to poorer folk from the small towns and rural areas who were missing out on the prosperity of the period .
18 Who were going in for the exam and I were n't allowed to help them .
19 Winnipeg was full of racegoing visitors who were contributing handsomely to the local economy .
20 We had arrived at Orange a week previously , and after disembarking from the coach had been ordered into the barrack rooms by our Corporals , who were waiting outside on the parade ground .
21 She hurried across the course and pushed through a knot of ghoulish spectators who were standing gloomily by the area which had been cordoned off .
22 Miss Lodsworth , exhorting her guides to greater endeavour in this modern world , was having great difficulty making herself heard over the din of Dancer 's group , who were warming up in the recording studio .
23 The action had also electrified the crowd who were pressing in on the ring despite the best efforts of the khalifas to keep them all back .
24 At twenty past ten Sandison put his book away and sat back to watch the people who were walking down to the square .
25 She was only dimly aware of the approach of the two boys who were walking swiftly from the street corner .
26 Many of the American psychiatrists who were doing much of the important pioneering empirical work on dreaming during the 1960s were deeply influenced by psychoanalysis .
27 And when it happened , you were passing by on the bus , tuning in to their moment from another reality , like switching through channels on late-night TV .
28 Oh , I did my homework , while you were screaming along with the boys !
29 ‘ I was asking , Preston , how you were getting on with the Devil . ’
30 Carry the Lecfile with you , containing perhaps two or three of the last sheets that you were working on at the previous lecture .
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