Example sentences of "[pron] were [adv] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 The Roman Church had become very powerful and dismissed the Greeks as impious heretics who were not on the same level as the holy church of the West .
2 Now I had a pair who were not from the same parents and who seemed fairly suited .
3 There were gruff mutterings of ‘ excellent story ’ or ‘ very good ’ from the two men , who were never in the same league and knew it .
4 The close identity between fans and their club has weakened as football has become big business and as the players , who were once from the same working-class community as the fans , have become rich superstars .
5 Although you were still in the same quarter .
6 Yes we had er ships wh we , they call erm these liberty ships come in from America loaded with bombs and when they moved them up there , well they call them down here they call them liberty ships and er the bombs were loaded , so they used to erm put all timber between each layer of bombs and they had proper carpenters who would fix all these and when the dockers went down , they put these bombs out , cos they were n't detonated , the detonators were in the fore end of the ship , right down the lower hull and erm the bombs were loaded into open trucks loaded into , well the dockers they thought it was dangerous , cos we had the Fire Brigade , that 's the fire service down there and standing by with the fire engines and dockers they wanted the , they want a shilling , I think it was a shilling a day extra , well a shilling extra something like that and there they got it the shilling or extra pound , cos us crane drivers we were n't on the same par as them , so we asked for a shilling .
7 Once we were there at the same time .
8 It is believed one of the major problems facing the clubs ' proposals then was the fact that they were both in the same league .
9 The smooths bore little resemblance to the early skins , although they were clearly of the same descent .
10 The Doctor had assured them that they were now on the same level as they had started on , but Francis was n't convinced .
11 We were not alone in our dilemma , for all the other prahus in the fleet around us were up against the same deadline .
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