Example sentences of "[pron] which [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The action of sharply jerking the rig towards you which momentarily creates more wind in the sail and increases speed .
2 For practical purposes , therefore , ‘ pollution ’ is something which normally requires some action on the part of the enforcement officer and is defined not by legal rules but by the response of the enforcement authorities .
3 At every C&P plant there is concern about energy conservation but emphasis in recent years has been on improving product quality — something which often uses more energy without increasing output .
4 Playing an investment banker , something which perhaps requires greater suspension of disbelief than the film 's vision of the spirit world , Swayze gets to make all his crowd-pleasing moves in a novel setting .
5 Among the former are many participles , both present and past : ( 26 ) the watching crowd started to laugh he was greeted by smiling well-wishers the injured man had been feeding the orang-utan but participles do not exhaust the possibilities : ( 27 ) the angry bartender slammed the drink down five empty tumblers were standing by his elbow Notice , too , the clear ambiguity of : ( 28 ) a flashing light as meaning either a light which is flashing on some particular occasion , or one which normally has this characteristic .
6 Furthermore , these girls will tend to go into a career with a feminine image , one which already attracts many girls .
7 Small as his or her influence may be — and it may not be small — the situation is one which now involves two people instead of one , a triad instead of a dyad , a family-plus-an-outsider rather than a family on its own .
8 Nevertheless the suggestion that structuralism and poststructuralism have denied history is a persuasive one which now has wide currency .
9 RE should help pupils to appreciate that there is another language possible — one which perhaps makes more sense , but that is for each person to decide for him/herself .
10 Although we can not go into the technicalities of Ohmann 's method , it is worth mentioning that the apparatus he used was that of an earlier version of Transformational Grammar , one which subsequently underwent profound modifications . "
11 Thus , it is argued , care of the elderly is a responsibility which should be shared by all , and not one which solely involves statutory services .
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