Example sentences of "[pron] they [verb] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She was genuine , by which they meant she paid her bills in good time , and employed union labour .
2 They sued the well-known actress Constance Collier for the £16 9s 3d which they said she owed them for the flowers which her maid had ordered by telephone to be delivered to the Savoy Theatre .
3 Angela Flowers at the AIA ( which they insisted I called it ) opened to quite a lot of critical acclaim which really annoyed the association .
4 Where self-confidence is concerned , although most groups of men reckon it 's a quality women value , there are significant differences in the extent to which they believe they possess it .
5 when they 've got to do the road or something they want somebody to do it for the three weeks or
6 Making it clear to them they get they get it 's not
7 I know I 'm so they they eat you see they 've eaten fish and chips and it goes through the air conditioning and it comes into the studio you all you can smell is fish and chips .
8 Yes so they they say you know there 's all sorts of things you do farms and you get into the country and you do land as well but I reckon ninety eight percent of of their people are doing houses so
9 When some designer friends saw it they persuaded him to get it ready to market and it was ready just in time for Esher 1990 .
10 And that was er under John John was the manager and er I tell you Scott come and he started swearing at me and I says , I did n't m ask you for your bloody job , so next er next morning when they goes , he they had they had me walking the rope .
11 Some have expected to sleep with anyone they fancied who treated them to a night out — or , in the case of a man , expected bed for the night in return for dinner .
12 So he say they 'll give it to you back so that 's what they done they give me me money back , cos they 'd already give him back his , you see .
13 When they all had what they needed she turned her attention to Annie .
14 As the Sundance Kid said to Butch Cassidy , as they were being hotly pursued by a posse of Pinkerton detectives ‘ If they paid me to stop raiding banks , what they paid them to stop me robbing banks , I 'd stop robbing banks . ’
15 ‘ We learn in the academies , ’ she said , ‘ but not what they think they teach us .
16 If they do n't like what they see they spoil it .
17 ‘ I got round them by selling to them the fact that I was doing what they wanted me to do which was to get out into the business world and make contacts .
18 But Dave said Tesco 's ca n't do , what they did they did it at Weybridge , they said let us buy your sight you say where you wan na sight and then they and we will build what you
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