Example sentences of "[pron] as [verb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 First , he saw himself as charged with a mission ( that of maintaining peace and unity ) which he could not simply renounce by an act of free will .
2 So , ‘ the distinctive feature of Christian piety lies in the fact that whatever alienation from God there is in the phases of our experience , we are conscious of it as an action originating in ourselves , which we call Sin ; but whatever fellowship with God there is , we are conscious of it as resting upon a communication from the Redeemer , which we call Grace ’ .
3 As has been said , Sam and Frodo experience it as thinking for a moment they have died and gone to Heaven , when they wake up on the field of Cormallen .
4 They see themselves as belonging to a radical and anti-establishment tradition .
5 Alternatively , where the members of the single community under study perceive themselves as belonging to a number of separate kin groups which do not intermarry , this is a matter of great sociological significance regardless of what may or may not be the actual biological facts of the case .
6 Nor do fans see themselves as engaging in a kind of working-class resistance to the commercialization of football in any straightforward sense .
7 The metaphor is apt , as Palestinians regard themselves as engaging in a process of giving birth to their independent Palestinian state .
8 Information from the Novices showed quite clearly that they all saw themselves as working towards a position at the back of the terrace .
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