Example sentences of "[pron] had been [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I had been through the same sort of trouble on behalf of my husband , applying for full attendance allowance on March 3 .
2 Even if I had n't won a medal nor got enough promotion , I had been at the sharp end .
3 I was seated next to Professor St John Goth , as I had been on the previous night ; Dominic and Lee were opposite , and Mr and Mrs Maclean from Stirling were on my right .
4 As I had been on the medical side since he came back , this was the first time he had spoken to me , or probably seen me .
5 As it turned out , Mother was still delighted to remind all her friends that I had been among the first women from the East End to sign the register .
6 I had been in the armed forces long enough to know that you waited a long time for everything and I saw no reason why a dental appointment should be any different ,
7 I said that I had been in the British Army which prompted another Englishman called Chris to ask if I had known anybody in the Royal Signals in Aldershot or Catterick .
8 The whole affair came to an abrupt conclusion in August , when two members of the House Committee reported that on their way out of a board meeting , they came across a group of about fifteen women who were waiting outside the laundry for their pay , which had been due the previous day .
9 The rules were imposed on privatised companies in the wake of political trouble over the lucrative sale of undervalued assets like British Aerospace 's disposal of Royal Ordnance factories which had been in the public sector for centuries .
10 A CLASSIC Rolls-Royce limousine which had been in the same Scottish family for 60 years made £21,275 at a Sotheby 's weekend car sale at the Royal Air Force museum , Hendon , North London .
11 This reflection went far to set up Harry again in his own esteem , for it meant that Isambard had been sure of his victim 's obstinate silence even under torture ; more sure of it , if the truth were told , than Harry himself had been at the worst moment .
12 I was to write about it for Cosmopolitan , she for Trud ; it was the first time she had been outside the Soviet bloc .
13 She had been on the very edge of the steep hills which surround the basin in which Orvieto sits ; and the basin itself was alive and moving , swirling with smoke , with smoky white mists which filled it almost to the brim .
14 Agnes , tanned , huge , all beads and bright caftan , determined to give birth in the lotus position ( in which she claimed the child had been conceived ) while going ‘ Om ’ , refused to answer any of my father 's questions about where she had been for the three years and who she had been with .
15 She had been talking for several minutes about a party she had been to the previous evening .
16 I was almost certain that she had been to the British Museum no more recently than I had myself .
17 She had been in the royal straitjacket for five years and , like most women who marry and have children when they are very young , she began to realize what she had been missing out on .
18 She had been in the winning Nations Cup team in Drammen , Norway , where she also scored her first grand prix success , and , as a result of her achievements , was chosen to go with the British squad on the autumn circuit of North American shows , in Washington , New York and Toronto .
19 The women I spoke to who had been through the whole procedure told me of the many exhausting visits they had had to make to the British Embassies and High Commissions , of the atmosphere of contempt at these places , of the pettiness of the Entry Clearance Officers ( ECOs ) and interpreters , and the rude and unreasonable questions they had had to answer .
20 He asked for prayer about the journey to Jerusalem , knowing the tensions that existed between the Christians who had been of the Jewish faith , and those who were converted Gentiles .
21 I then tried to deduce the events of the previous night and discovered some time later that I had been raped by force by XYZ who had been on the mini bus and followed me home .
22 We knew that inside were climbers who had been on the same route , who had seen us , who had spoken to us .
23 They planned to go back on and complete their set with vocals from Cressa of The Stone Roses , who had been on the whole tour and knew most of the songs .
24 They planned to go back on and complete their set with vocals from Cressa of The Stone Roses , who had been on the whole tour and knew most of the songs .
25 A Council member who had been on the visiting party supported the statement and endorsed the Chief Officer 's leadership on the occasion of the visit .
26 Dr John Hill , who had been with the International Brigade in Spain , Dr Neil Leitch from Queensland , Australia , Dr Fytiaras from Greece .
27 As they approached , she recognised the leader of the group as being one who had been with the previous rafting party .
28 All three — economist Zhou Duo , who had been amongst the 211 released on May 10 , Taiwanese-born folk singer Hou Dejin , and newspaper editor Gao Xin — were released in mid-June .
29 I noted from Gergiev 's conducting CV that he had n't escaped the grip of the Union of Composers : the works or its secretary- general , the ogre-figure of Tikhon Khrennikov who had been behind the 1948 denunciations of Prokofiev and Shostakovich , are a fairly regular feature .
30 I had a good friend in Marius , who had been in the Swedish Army before joining the Legion .
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