Example sentences of "[pron] had [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] for " in BNC.

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1 During this ceaseless pursuit of the right métier for my particular brand of foolishness , I had already pitched up for a Telethon trailer to flamenco dance for the cause .
2 After an evening of pleasure and profit with my friends in Bank Street , I had clearly gone out for a drink or two .
3 It felt fragile at first , but it was as if I had finally come up for air after nearly drowning in a pool of lies .
4 I was unable to pay more than the $100,000 I had just forked out for his British rights , so he sold Leslie Waddington a batch too .
5 It would n't be much good telling them I had just popped out for a breath of air this street led to both the bus and railway stations and it would n't need a genius to rumble my little game .
6 But I had neither stumped up for a bale of fluffy bathroom towels , nor chipped in to the Qantas ticket .
7 The theatre of La Scala was completed by 1778 by Giuseppe Piermarini following the decision by City Governor Ferdinand Hapsburg not to rebuild the theatre in the Palazzo Reale which had just burned down for the third time .
8 She said she could n't stay , that she had just dropped in for a minute .
9 Aware that there was no accepted path for women in deacons ' orders in the Church of England , she had nevertheless looked around for a curacy which would put her in possession of solid parish experience .
10 In one blinding flash then , she had realised how much she had actually given up for Paul in a futile attempt to avert his jealous outbursts — friends , family , social life , even smiling …
11 But it was a tersely worded compliment , and as he turned to take an olive from the tray of hors-d'oeuvres already laid out on a side-table , her stabbing disappointment told Belinda that he was the person she had really dressed up for today , though what she wanted to prove to him she did n't quite know .
12 We 've already seen how carefully planned customer flow can encourage the shopper to leave with a loaded basket when she had only popped in for a loaf of bread or a pint of milk .
13 Proud and pleased to be playing opposite Frank Donovan who had once stood in for Hayden Coffin .
14 Diana seemed distressed , rushing around in a distracted way — oblivious , it seemed to me , of the work we had all put in for her brother 's wedding .
15 Recently , we had enough saved up for a nice flat after having lived in one room for a year .
16 He kept forgetting they would write it down : he seems to have thought — most of the time — that they had just turned up for a friendly drink .
17 ‘ She 's a tough customer , ’ remarked Melissa when they had finally settled down for the night .
18 It was the only thing he had ever stood out for .
19 In the second incident , involving the credit card , he had only gone along for the ride , and had not used the card himself , said Mr Harper .
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