Example sentences of "[pron] had [adv] [vb pp] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 Ruth Atucehene , an immigrant from Ghana , said : ‘ I had just come home from church and I was in the house with my children . ’
2 I had just got up from my chair when the crash happened .
3 Verona was far away and I had never lived away from home ; besides , I was not sure that my parents had ever contemplated the possibility that I might do so .
4 Now I was about to meet him again , it was as if I had suddenly woken up from a syrupy dream .
5 Don Mini turned to one of the robins which had just come back from a practice flight with a child Minpin on its back .
6 He was wearing a navy sweater and a light-coloured shirt and blue jeans , and her heart lurched because time shrank to the moment when she had finally walked away from him , one autumn morning , early , with their love already an awful deadweight in her memory .
7 Agnes had taken a smaller one ; she had just got back from her service 's registry .
8 It was quite soon after the terrible motor accident that had crippled him for life , and she had just come in from the garden with a bunch of flowers for him .
9 She opened the door before Massingham had time to ring , her handsome shield-shaped face composed under the light brown fringe , and looking in her shirt , slacks and leather jerkin as elegantly informal as if she had just come in from a country walk .
10 Kathleen looked over at the square cardboard box she had just brought back from Dorothea .
11 When , as a child , he had been desperate for her love , and had offered his own , she had always turned away from him .
12 Her mother had stated then that it would probably not be necessary to move again , but she had always shied off from friendships — so many of them had been lost before .
13 Although she had consistently turned away from singing opportunities — ‘ The more people nagged , the more I was determined to stay away ’ — she realised that this was something that , say , Lulu would never even consider .
14 It was a programme about the ( then ) proposed orbital cities , and even boasted an interview with a very youthful Ewan Famber , who had just passed out from the Tech-Green High College weighed down with honours and acclamations .
15 Paul and Miranda Gunn had their charming young family to help them look after the guests ; their two sons Mr Munro Gunn who works at John D. Wood , and Mr Marcus Gunn who had just got home from Paris , where is working at the Paris Business School ; also their two daughters Miss Petronella Gunn , who is studying at Bristol University ; and seventeen-year-old Miss Rosie Gunn , who is a member of the Junior British Eventing team , and last year competed at Lausanne , where she won the award for the highest placed British rider .
16 And then she saw to her amazement that the man who had just climbed down from the cab was knocking on her door .
17 ONLY a dealer who had just come back from a weekend in the Kalahari desert would have been surprised to hear of yesterday 's agreed £337.6m bid by MB Group for Caradon , the Twyfords and Everest building products group , so comprehensive has been the pre-match publicity .
18 At last week-end 's ICA conference , the film generated a single comment , from a producer on Channel 4 's Out series , Claire Beavan , who had just come back from America where she was making a programme about Hollywood homophobia .
19 In 1911 he returned to railway service as personal assistant to ( Sir ) H. Nigel Gresley [ q.v. ] , who had just taken over from Ivatt on the Great Northern railway .
20 When he arrived he got talking with someone of about his age , who had also run away from home .
21 There was fierce controversy surrounding the conference 's decision on April 22 to invite , as guests , members of the 1981 Solidarity leadership who had since split away from the union — most notably the former national co-ordinating commission member Andrzej Gwiazda , who had left after accusing Solidarity 's chairman , Lech Walesa , of generating a personality cult .
22 Traders buying nutmegs and doves from Arabian merchants had been aware of their existence for centuries ; Marco Polo knew roughly where they were , for he saw junk traffic in the ports of Cathay loaded down with spices and manned by suntanned crews who had clearly come there from the south .
23 With no casualties to deal with , but with new staff and better equipment our doctors settled down to work with a will for the children from ‘ Peabody buildings ’ at the back of the hospital who had either come back from evacuation , or who would not go anyway .
24 He wondered how many people in all the mental hospitals in the country — or the world " , — come to that — were really fallen Warriors who had either cracked up from the strain of trying to live in this hell-hole , or simply made the wrong choice and thought that the test was just seeing through the whole thing and then having the courage to stand out and make that challenge .
25 Among those I met or saw were the Begum Aga Khan , who was with her very attractive daughter Princess Zahra Aga Khan ; the Director General of the British Equestrian Foundation Major Malcolm Wallace , two of our top Event riders Miss Karen Straker and Mrs Jane Thelwall ; and Mr Andrew Dixon , who had all come over from England with the Hermès party ; Mr Peter Laing , the Hon.
26 United owed much to goalkeeper Rees , who had earlier saved superbly from Holden and later denied Adams , first with a block with his feet then by kicking over a dipping effort from the right .
27 It was proposed initially to carry out the project in the London Borough of Southwark since part of the borough was served by Guy 's Hospital and also in the London Borough of Barnet ( since it had a consultant psychogeriatrician who had recently moved there from Guy 's Hospital ) .
28 ‘ I 'd finally won custody of my daughter Eva and we had just moved down from Scotland to Leeds with my boyfriend Glynn .
29 When I told him we had recently come up from Southampton he said , " Gee , I would n't go to sea in that little tub for double my wages . "
30 He did not take his readers back into history so much as bring Thomas Paine , William Hazlitt , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , Sir Walter Scott [ qq.v. ] , and others forward , as if they had suddenly walked in from the street .
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