Example sentences of "[pron] had [not/n't] been to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was quite aware of my childish misdemeanours , but I had n't been to confession since I returned from Egypt , and I thought he would be profoundly shocked by what I should have to tell him .
2 I arrived from nowhere , I had n't been to drama school .
3 ‘ I wish I had n't been to Zaire .
4 They could see by my record that I had n't been to prison before , did n't know the procedure .
5 I had not been to London for over twenty years , and my daughters had never been there .
6 She had n't been to confession since the vision .
7 She had n't been to Scotland for years .
8 I could also check that she had not been to Baskerville Hall on the night of Sir Charles ' death .
9 It must introduce new concepts , whether in mathematics , geography , physics or literature , concepts that are unfamiliar , and would have remained unknown to a child who had not been to school .
10 We were taught at home by Mam 's maiden sister , Aunt Mary , who had not been to school herself .
11 " He wanted to know why you had n't been to class lately . "
12 Fitzormonde and Mowbray had always been soft , they could whine and moan that they had not been to blame , but Horne had agreed to Whitton 's plan and built a thriving business on the proceeds .
13 Though it had n't been to Rosemary 's flat that the tall dark-haired man had come , but hers !
14 Confession had not been a factor in the slowness of Pétain 's promotion in the way that it had checked the career of Foch , de Castelnau and other ardent Catholics ; indeed , Pétain could boast that he had not been to Mass for thirty years , so on this score alone he should have been earmarked , as things stood , for rapid advancement .
15 He was fully dressed , his shirt creased enough to imply he had not been to bed at all .
16 He had not been to university , he had some difficulty in grasping complex economic issues , and was prone to malapropisms , but was widely respected for his managerial skills and his political experience .
17 Most attention focuses here on shifts in Labour policy , on armaments and on the EC , to which may also be added another less publicised shift , namely on attitudes to the US : when Foot became leader of the Labour Party in 1979 , he had not been to Washington since the 1940s ; Kinnock and his associates were frequent , and informed , visitors .
18 He had n't been to London in years , and did n't wish to .
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