Example sentences of "[pron] had [adv] [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 I realized I had not been fair to myself .
2 The contract included limits for external financing which had not been subject to overall control previously , and set RENFE a variety of financial objectives including a reduction in its call on state funds .
3 One important lesson I learned early on ( which had not been obvious to me in the past ) was that you do n't have to give everything away , do n't have to reveal yourself completely to people .
4 Areas which had previously been central to the stealing networks were affected .
5 He had recently taken over this region , which had previously been subject to the Ptolemies in Egypt .
6 From a therapeutic aspect , penicillin was marvellous because it cured many dangerous bacterial infections , but it was tiresome because it was inactive by mouth ( it was destroyed by the acidity of the stomach contents ) , it acted for a very short time ( it was rapidly excreted by the kidneys ) and so was of little value unless given by injection at intervals of not longer than 3 hours , and because , after a time , the normal processes of evolution led to the appearance of resistant strains of the microbes which had previously been sensitive to penicillin .
7 It surfaced , for example , in the suggestion that museums and art galleries , which had previously been open to the public free of charge , should begin to charge for admission .
8 Since the 1916 Rising in Dublin , the organization , which had always been prone to spies and informants , had grown very security conscious .
9 Here again Suger was reasserting royal supremacy in a world which had long been deaf to such claims .
10 She had n't been privy to the goings on at the opposite end of the table , but she had a distinct , almost tactile memory of the girl fleeing , the usual calm repose of her features fractured .
11 She always said she could n't have gone to Brownies at all if she had n't been able to cycle , for the distance was too far for her to walk , and there was no bus .
12 She had n't been able to stomach a great deal at breakfast , not after everything that had happened ; now she was starving .
13 She had lost her fear long ago but she had not been close to a man like this for over two years .
14 To lose her was more than Paul himself could contemplate ; and surely she had not been indifferent to him .
15 Guilt rose in Dinah ; she had never returned Mrs Gracie 's money ; she had not been able to .
16 She then felt reluctant to go downstairs to face the man who had so recently been kissing her bare breasts , so she took extra time to straighten the bed where she had almost been willing to — no , longing to make love with Silas , she amended with a burst of mental honesty .
17 She had never been close to one before , and it was very big .
18 Was it true , what Maria said , that she had never been fair to Hester ?
19 These were leaders who had not been subject to party screening or peer review and had succeeded almost exclusively on the strength of their appeal to mass electorates .
20 Other party leaders who had not been privy to the " election " advised Sonia against accepting the post .
21 Even he , however , confessed that it was difficult to control men who had not been accustomed to organization , whose " idea was that once a union was formed everything should be put right in a few hours " .
22 By means of the co-operatives patients who had previously been subject to institutional peonage — payment of token wages in exchange for hospital work — have been able to earn wages comparable with those in the wider economy .
23 And you had best be grateful to me , for if you had left it to the little men of law he could buy better and shiftier than you , and you would never have got your money at all . ’
24 There are some unavoidable costs er on that account , particularly on the engine programme where delays to the aircraft programme which result in extra costs on the engine side , are the customer 's liability , erm but the main increase in cost is actually in the equipment area and results I think , from the fact that the equipment prices turned out to be higher than was originally estimated at the start of the programme and also the fact that U K industry won a higher work share on equipment that we had originally been entitled to and budgeted for and lastly the point you mentioned that Germany has withdrawn from some parts of the requirement and that made certain equipments non-common and we have had to take a larger share of the costs of those equipments than originally planned .
25 Erm , but the main increase in cost is actually in the equipment area and results I think from the fact that the equipment prices turned out to be higher than was originally estimated at the start of the programme and also the fact that U K industry won a higher work share on equipment than we had originally been entitled to and budgeted for and lastly the point you mentioned that Germany has withdrawn from some parts of the requirement and that made certain equipments non common and we have had to take a larger share of the cost of those equipments than originally planned .
26 erm but , but certainly the , the er er the period has given the Communist Party er quite a large number of trained cadres which will be able to go out into the villages in a way that they had n't been able to in because it would , that was all too soon .
27 It was argued that such covenants are often contained in conveyances , leases and mortgages , and that they had never been subject to the doctrine of restraint of trade and consequently the test of reasonableness .
28 They had all been lucky to be seen out with him .
29 He asked them to adopt a more professional approach , to harden their attitude and not capitulate when things became tough , as they had sometimes been prone to .
30 She said , ‘ Oh , I see , ’ as if it had n't been obvious to her that the photograph was old .
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