Example sentences of "[pron] 's [noun sg] was [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Depending on favours for a substantial part of one 's livelihood was the vulnerability which Mary Leapor was reluctant to assume .
2 Perhaps the last feeble kick of this lust to print one 's name was the station platform and amusement arcade machine where , on inserting a penny , one was able to punch one 's name on a metal strip , which the contraption disgorged on the pull of a handle .
3 A sententious , self-righteous approach as the artist-legislator spoke a mixture of scorn and complacency that most politicians know how to avoid , suggested that keeping Mr Kureishi off one 's bandwagon was the beginning of wisdom .
4 Tip O'Neill is instructive on the differences between the two administrations in these matters : Being ‘ helped out ’ in one 's district was a matter of the greatest importance to members of the House of Representatives , the forum where Reagan 's legislative strategists would face their severest test .
5 And somewhere tucked away at the back of one 's mind was the knowledge that every crystal in the vast whiteness , though too small for the human eye to see , was fashioned like a flower or a star .
6 Nobody could ever bring themselves to putting an animal out of its misery because the farm was no longer talked about , although at the back of everybody 's mind was a dream of a new farm , even better than the first , with water being pumped from underground to irrigate the crops .
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