Example sentences of "[pron] he have [adv] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His approach was to try out ideas , with which he had already been successful , on other people and to listen to what came back — particularly from governors and senior staff .
2 He said he felt no pain , apart from injections which he has never been fond of , and when he came round from the operation the first thing he asked for was the Ipswich football scores and a drink .
3 To a degree unknown in any other use of language he finds himself not only attending to what is said but simultaneously hearing the words as textures of vowels and consonants , noting rhythm , rhyme , assonance ; meanings refuse to be tied down , disclose nuances and associations of which he has never been conscious ; sights and sounds which he has never heeded become sensuously precise and vivid in imagination ; emotion assumes a peculiar lucidity , undisguised by what he habitually feels or has been taught that he ought to feel ; truths about life and death , which he follows social convention in systematically evading , stand out as simple and unchallengeable .
4 He had been awake nearly all the night with an attack of hiccups — something he had never been prone to .
5 He has his independence and he tells me he has never been happier in his life .
6 He could have given in to his sympathetic side at any point but he was adamant that Charman had to go , even though he knew the hurt it would cause to someone with whom he had previously been close .
7 Moreover , it would enable him to see his sister , Edna , with whom he had always been close .
8 Now , as the son came to see the marble bust for the last time , court photographers crowded around to capture the poignancy of the son saying goodbye , presumably with a sense of terrible failure , to the father for whom he had never been good enough .
9 , John ( 1791–1873 ) , artist and facsimilist , was born 17 November 1791 in Kennington , the son of John Harris ( 1767–1832 , q.v. ) , with whom he has often been confused .
10 Much of it was way beyond anything he 'd ever been able to dream about .
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