Example sentences of "[pron] he [adv] [verb] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He does not require an imperative to make him avoid the sickness from the thought of which he already shrinks in nausea ; what he has to force himself to do is hold on to the fact that sickness is the likely outcome of yielding to temptation .
2 Rather he asserted and tried to use effectively in the 1760s and 1770s powers which he undoubtedly possessed in theory but which under his predecessors had begun to be whittled away in practice .
3 The isolation of the village from the outside world was mitigated by the existence of a close-knit village community with which the farm worker could identify and which provided him with the range of institutions and amenities which he then required in order to live the year round .
4 He had the usual run of furtive sexual fumblings and persuaded three of his girlfriends ( whom he then held in contempt ) to go all the way .
5 What he obviously had in mind was the manoeuvre carried out by horsemen displaying their skill at a gymkhana .
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