Example sentences of "[pron] he [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The feelings retained their freshness in his memory : the delicious agony of watching her ; the frustration of not being able to touch her ; the pleasure he had when someone he had known at school passed along the towpath , looked up and saw him , Peter Redburn , having a drink with Kate Molland .
2 Sir Stephen Fox , who was Member of Parliament for Sarum and served as Lord Commissioner of the Treasury for both King Charles II and William 111 , from 1665 until his death in 1716 , bought the copyhold , in 1682 , or thereabouts , of an estate north-west of Corney House ( on the river front of Old Chiswick ) and behind the first Earl of Burlington 's mansion in Chiswick , and in 1691 he also acquired several acres on the west side of Chiswick Lane , where he sited a mansion with gardens , which he came known as Manor Farm House .
3 On Jan. 24 a spokesman for the Islamic Tahrir ( Liberation ) party , Atta Abu Rushtah , was arrested by security forces after a press conference in which he had called for suicide attacks to be launched on Western and allied interests throughout the world in retaliation for attacks on Iraq .
4 Within hours of the meeting , Mr Sharif addressed a special session of parliament which he had called in order to try to impeach the president .
5 Here he showed Anselm the pope 's letter to the king which he had obtained after Anselm 's departure .
6 Gulliver , it was held that any profit made by a director as a result of the misuse of confidential information , which he had obtained by virtue of his position as an insider , was liable to account for that profit to the company .
7 Sidacai went out through the door , and Jehan speared another segment of apple and ate it while he considered how far the agreement which he had obtained from Sidacai could be trusted .
8 He died 16 November 1915 at his home in New Cross , south London , to which he had moved from Whitechapel in 1901 , and he was buried in Nunhead cemetery .
9 Punishment , Durkheim maintained , was neither corrective nor deterrent in intention ; it was a passionate reaction on the part of society which , in taking what amounted to collective revenge on the criminal , symbolically reaffirmed and restored the moral values and common loyalties which he had desecrated : symbolic lynching in which an outburst of punitive indignation against the criminal healed the injuries which he had inflicted on society .
10 Henry knew nothing about the new papal anathemas of which Anselm was the bearer , and he immediately required him first to renew the homage which he had done to Rufus , and then to consecrate his chancellor William Giffard to the bishopric of Winchester , with which he had invested him on his coronation day .
11 Anselm did indeed refuse to renew the homage which he had done to Rufus ; he further refused to consecrate the bishops whom Henry had invested with bishoprics .
12 The purpose of his journey , which he revealed to the king 's sister , Adela , countess of Blois , was to excommunicate the king , ‘ for the injury which he had done to God and himself for the last two years and more . ’
13 The directorship , for which he had struggled for years , represented to her only a house in Vanier Heights .
14 There is so much in this strain that some of Andrewes ' biographers have tended to suggest that he was tormented by shame for the compromises which he had made with evil at Court and above all for his actions in the Essex divorce .
15 He repeated the threats which he had made on Aug. 1 , including that of allowing the full force of the Gramm-Rudman cuts to become operational .
16 His first sound film had been Hallelujah , which he had made for MGM in 1929 .
17 These were mere fragments of the complex arrangements which he had made in order to secure his throne , and they were entirely necessary to Henry if he was to have sufficient support among those families — perilously few and divided in their allegiance — who alone could ensure his survival as king of England .
18 He was able to satisfy Royalist investigators that an out-payment which he had made in connection with the king 's trial and execution had simply been a routine matter , in no way implicating him in the actual regicide .
19 President Roh Tae Woo formally left the ruling Democratic Liberal Party ( DLP ) on Oct. 5 in accordance with the promise which he had made in mid-September to create a politically neutral administration in advance of December 's presidential elections [ see p. 39096 ] .
20 He had no doubt that his own recognition of Urban II was irreversible ; but he could not commit the kingdom of England to the choice which he had made in common with the rest of Normandy .
21 John Harper then gave a talk on the various lead minerals , showing several examples , some of which he had collected in Cumbria .
22 The translations by Alberto Fortis , an Italian traveller and scholar , of fragments of epic poems which he had collected in Dalmatia and published in 1771 , brought the rich oral tradition to the notice of men like Herder and the western European scholars of the Romantic movement .
23 There were other , smaller tasks which he wished to complete : when he had finished the play , he planned to revise for publication the lectures which he had given on education at the University of Chicago .
24 It was decided that Joan should telephone Alexander Atkins at a number which he had given to Derek and which had been discovered to be that of the police station at Dysart .
25 In support of this submission , Mr. Nicholls relied on the decision of the Court of Appeal in Reg. v. Donat ( 1985 ) 82 Cr.App.R. 173 , in which the Court of Appeal held that , on the facts of that case , in which a prosecution witness under cross-examination retracted evidence which he had given in chief implicating the defendant , the judge did not err in declining to withdraw the case from the jury on a submission of no case to answer , the credibility of the witness being essentially a matter for the jury .
26 Poindexter 's conviction was quashed in a split two-to-one judgement on the grounds that the recollection of trial witnesses had been tainted by testimony which he had given before Congress under immunity in 1987 .
27 The former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath , conducting a humanitarian mission for which he was much criticized at home on the grounds of the possible propaganda opportunities which it might afford to the Iraqi leadership , secured the release of some 40 British nationals who arrived at Gatwick airport early on Oct. 24 ( two children , several women , and some of the men on the list of the elderly and sick which he had presented to Saddam Hussein at lengthy talks on Oct. 21 ) .
28 He later became joint chairman of the UK Byron Society and joint president of the International Byron Society ; in this capacity he chaired international Byron symposia in Cambridge and Athens , on one occasion conducting members in the footsteps of Byron 's Childe Harold to Epirus , into which he had parachuted in summer 1944 .
29 In Georgia Buchanan came very close to the 37 per cent which he had scored in New Hampshire , whilst in Colorado and Maryland , where he had hardly campaigned , he won 30 per cent .
30 Apollinaire pointed out that Boccioni 's best works were those in which he came nearest to recent works by Picasso which he had seen in Paris .
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