Example sentences of "[pron] are [vb pp] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Ways of using them are discussed in the next three chapters .
2 2.1.2 " Building documents " means the plans drawings specifications and other documents relating to the Works which are listed in the third Schedule The tenant should have sight of these as soon as possible to ensure that they are in accordance with its understanding of what has been agreed .
3 Its effect was particularly damaging in relation to the recurrent tragedies of death in childhood , which are examined in the next chapter .
4 He said that he was still confident of the benefits of the treatment despite some disappointments , which are detailed in the last letter on this subject to have survived .
5 Aside from the sharp dips , which are discussed in the next section , there is a gradual decline in pull-out torque to 0.48 Nm at a speed of 10 steps per second .
6 The Accademia 's curator Annalisa Perissa Torrina has compiled detailed notes on each of the 221 drawings now in the Accademia and has identified the original sources of the reproductive drawings , 124 of which are reproduced for the first time .
7 Ophioprium was defined as follows : hidden radial shields ; large tentacle pores armed by two or more tentacle scales one attached to the lateral arm plate the other to the ventral arm plate ; numerous oral papillae forming a continuous series with long slender spinelets which are associated with the second oral tentacle pore .
8 I represent those who are enumerated on the second sheet .
9 Those who are born in the Third World have a considerably smaller chance of surviving childhood than those born here — and the same was true of those born in the West a hundred years ago .
10 Typically , the debtor will notify creditors who are included in the next batch of Notes to be issued of the date that they will be available .
11 ( Unless of course , you are booked for the last sitting ! )
12 As soon as we ask what faith is and what sort of mistreatment of faith causes doubt , we are led to the first major misconception about doubt — the idea that doubt is the opposite of faith and the same thing as unbelief .
13 We are delivered onto the twenty-second floor with an incessant warning pong-pong-pong sound which is supposed to inform you the door has opened .
14 Here we are told for the first time such details as that the Moreens are American , that they require a resident tutor for their sickly child , and that Pemberton is looking for the tutor 's job ; or rather , we are not told , but are led to infer these facts , for James avoids a direct statement of them .
15 The problem with many of our politicians is that they are biased towards the second .
16 But whether they are sent to the third world or torn into rags or
17 They are seen as the last defence of standards .
18 They are seen as the last surviving areas of untouched wildlife .
19 They are expelled from the second city they visit ( Acts 13:51 ) , plotted against at the next ( Acts 14:5 ) , and nearly stoned to death at Lystra ( Acts 14:19 ) .
20 Home and childrearing commitments dictate the terms and conditions on which women can work so that overwhelmingly at present they are forced into the third leaf of the shamrock as low-paid semiskilled part-timers .
21 They are discussed in the next chapter .
22 Anorexia is a relatively modern illness er the first descriptions of it are found in the nineteenth century and today it 's er by no means an uncommon illness in er mainly in young women , very occasionally in men , but , but er y it 's more or less safe to say it 's er it 's a disease of er women and almost always younger women .
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