Example sentences of "[pron] are [adj] of the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There are also studies from Malaysia , which are illustrative of the effects of logging practices in tropical regions in general , which show that the destructive effect is far greater than just the removal of trees .
2 And I think it is a great pity , that this council is losing some of it 's capacity to produce reports which are independent of the departments which are the most affected by them .
3 In addition to the above there are many other cuticular processes which either take the form of more or less conical nodules and tubercles of different shapes , or of larger projections known as horns which are characteristic of the males of certain Coleoptera .
4 While there is still a great deal to be done in both these fields , there are few people who are unaware of the terms and what they mean .
5 To anyone familiar with the writings of authors such as Gummer , who are critical of the changes that have taken place in post-war Britain , the characteristics he highlights will be similarly familiar .
6 I think the more people who are aware of the alternatives that are in the building industry we could improve on this .
7 Not those , but the few who respect silence , who respect the world , who are prepared to listen , who are prepared to change , who are aware of human weakness and vulnerability , who are aware of the imperatives of life and the imperatives of the work in hand .
8 Perhaps it is fathers who are jealous of the sons who will soon replace them .
9 Meanwhile , one would exhort those workers who are conscious of the problems for their residents and would help them if they could to do their best — within the law and within the limits of their own conscience — to mend the situation in their own particular place of work if mending is needed there .
10 Less forgivable is the attitude taken by some museums who are frightened of the consequences of having their collection screened .
11 And you are aware of the restrictions on drink for young people ?
12 You are aware of the dangers and you are aware that I can not order you to do this .
13 You will also need , in this type of essay , to signal that you are aware of the dangers of reductionism : that is , of simplifying the work of a school or movement until it no longer adequately represents what anyone associated with it would recognise or subscribe to .
14 The chances are of course that you will not have time go into so much detail , but you can use different headlines to highlight specific aspects of the story , and if you are aware of the requirements of each type of magazine you will at least be able to include back-up material which is relevant to their subject and readership and to follow up with ideas for more in-depth coverage .
15 The next best thing is to show that you are aware of the issues that surround a choice of text ( some of these will probably be explained in the introductory " Note on the Text " ) .
16 When you first start using a program you are unsure of the keystrokes and tend to fumble .
17 If you are unsure of the answers , then Investment , Chapter 5 , may help to clarify your thinking .
18 Answer guide : The point being illustrated here is that although we have been told the finite life of the machine and we are aware of the reasons for the loss in utility we still have to make estimates of when the machine will cease to be useful .
19 However , we are aware of the concerns that have been expressed about the system as compared with the arrangements in England and Wales , where appeals are made to valuation and community charge tribunals .
20 It is obvious that the more we are aware of the feelings , the more we understand about the filter and the better placed we are to minister to an individual 's needs .
21 We are aware of the opportunities before us through our different communication professions and institutions .
22 We are aware of the implications of this recommendation regarding the moderation of assessment , but urge that alternative means of establishing common standards of oracy should be explored ( in line with current developments in GCSE oral assessment ) ;
23 Indeed we are rarely aware of them as rules , until they are broken , since they are typical of the settings in which we received our moral training .
24 I believe they have proved to be responsible bodies , who have worked well with their Chief Constables and the local authorities their members represent and they are proud of the forces they are providing .
25 To many people the horse 's face seems rather unexpressive , and as a result they are unaware of the emotions of the horse .
26 Scotrail can not be so terminally stupid that they are unaware of the numbers of people wanting to use the train in the summer , and therefore a train that accommodates more than four people at a time may well be required .
27 However , we believe many Planning Committee members are fearful that voting to refuse will make them vulnerable to unpleasant accusations that they are uncaring of the needs of terminally ill children .
28 They are expressive of the sentiments of retributive justice that Beccaria wished to exclude from consideration of punishments .
29 While they are aware of the dangers of being seen to support the Tories , senior party members would argue that neither party had won the election , and Labour could not assume the Liberal Democrats would play its game .
30 But associated with the prohibition is the education and training of workers so that they are aware of the dangers and understand the reason for preventive action .
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