Example sentences of "[pron] was as [subord] it be " in BNC.

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1 The moment Ferdinando left , with only the most cursory of farewells , to go by train and boat to Rome in advance of the main Party , the icy wind which had swept through the city most unexpectedly throughout October suddenly dropped and it was as if it were summer again .
2 It was as if it were the most natural thing in the world …
3 All that and more went through my mind , wrote Harsnet , as I sat there in the moonlight in the silence , but it was as if it was the glass which was telling me this , that the glass was my mind as I thought that , or my mind the glass , and that was the reason for the fear and the cold and also for the sense of growing excitement and a fear then , a different kind of fear , that I would not be able to do anything with this excitement , that it would be my failure , my failure to realize what I now saw were the real possibilities of the glass , a failure for which I would never be able to forgive myself , though a part of me would always know or perhaps only believe that it was in the nature of my insight that there could be no realization of it , that it was precisely an insight about non-realization , but by then , wrote Harsnet , it had all become too complicated , too extreme , I did not want to know any of it until it was all over , until I had made my effort , perhaps it had been a mistake to come in and sit there with the glass through the night with the moon shining so brightly , it must have been full , or nearly full , unnaturally bright anyway , something to do with the solstice perhaps , to sit in the room with the glass alone or with the moon alone might have been bearable , in the dark with the glass or in the moonlight in an empty room , but the two together , the glass and the moon , that was perhaps the mistake .
4 It was as if it was only when the surf was at its most savage that the ghost of Eddie Aikau could be expected to revisit the Bay .
5 It was as if it was harbouring some great consuming sadness and had lost the urge to live .
6 So I did n't do any appropriate sociability there but I think what threw me off is cos I 'd already said Helen to Stephen , I know you and everything and it was as if it was part of the same thing
7 This place had bred romance after romance , and it was as if it was that she had felt tingling in the air all night , like a presence …
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