Example sentences of "[pron] was to [be] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was to be Connie Fraser , Joel the doctor attending me .
2 On the morning of the Melbourne Stakes , which was to be Phar Lap 's warm-up race for the Melbourne Cup three days later , he was shot at from the window of a car as he returned from exercise .
3 China 's parliament , the National People 's Congress , approved on April 4 the Basic Law which was to be Hong Kong 's " mini-constitution " after 1997 , with 2,600 votes in favour , 16 against and 37 abstentions .
4 At Vergina , later in the fourth century , the quality of recently discovered fresco-painting suggests an established tradition which might go back to Archelaos ' time ; and continuity is also suggested by Pliny 's statement ( Natural History xxxv.62 ) that Zeuxis gave Archelaos a painting of Pan , who was to be patron deity of the third-century Macedonian king Antigonos Gonatas ( see the coin illustrated as frontispiece to W. Tarn ( 1913 ) Antigonos Gonatas ) .
5 Very appropriate therefore , that 11 years later , it was to be Geoff Yeadon , at the age of 40 , watched by Geoff Crossley , that linked the lines connecting the two caves .
6 It was felt that was totally contradictory as community care was more expensive and required a lot more time and resources if it was to be quality care .
7 Now Daniel was difficult , telling her not to come to the hospital , where he was to be Father Christmas in the children 's ward .
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