Example sentences of "[pron] was on a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , at least until Sunday when I was on a promise at the hospital with Ruth and some new bandages .
2 I was on a kind of … half-throttle , emotionally .
3 yes , I was on a coach to the boat show erm at Earls Court when , when I read it
4 I was on a tour of Europe .
5 When I saw the room , I immediately wanted to call the whole thing off , but the chap already had the cheque and I was on a hiding to nothing with my landlord so I would just have to put up with it .
6 The excitement of the adventure started to dissipate and I was left with the cold reality of knowing that I was on a train with hardly any money , no ticket and nowhere to go .
7 I advised the Labour Party over such things as the Vassall inquiry and , together with my friend Dennis Lloyd , I was on a number of committees and investigations to recommend changes in the law — particularly land law ( the working party on land nationalisation ) and the law of landlord and tenant — which were being prepared by the Labour Party for their future use .
8 He turned from the window , which was on a level with his face , and came to where Harry stood .
9 James fussed over the drinks tray , which was on a table behind one of the sofas .
10 Dancer he knew — she was on a bill with me and Lennie down the Hackney Empire .
11 No , she was on a crest of ability and luck , and she could make no mistakes .
12 In eighty three , when it was obvious that the Conservatives were gon na win because then if you , if , this is history now , but the Labour Party was led by Michael Foot then , it was it was in no shape to win the election in erm the Conservatives were , were led by Thatcher , she was on a high after the Falklands War , the Conservatives romped home .
13 Through the glass she saw that she was on a shelf in the potion laboratory and the tall figure of her form-mistress was swirling out of the door .
14 If she was on a plane with the engines on fire she would want to be with someone like Matthew Blake .
15 She was on a couch of some silky padding that opened to her contours in a way that was obscurely obscene .
16 6–9 Mrs Holliday , Bowmore , applied for the baptism of her daughter in the absence of her husband who was on a voyage to Africa and not expected to return for a year , and as they were " satisfied with Mrs Holliday 's knowledge as to the ordinance and the obligation " they agreed .
17 It was called Are We Nearly There ? and it was about a little boy who was on a journey with his father .
18 While producing a series of vocal recitals at CBC I had the pleasure of working with Mrs John Christie ( Audrey Mildmay ) , who was on a visit to Vancouver , and who had a remarkably fine singing voice .
19 Yeah I thought it was on a couple of weeks ago oh no it was the whatsit millionaire was n't it ?
20 It was on a Sunday in July , 1849 , that Charley first introduced his pal Ben to his loved one .
21 It was on a trip to Frankfurt with a mixed load of several 2,000lb bombs and the varied load of experimental PFF flares and early target indicator devices ; Bennett always insisted that we had to carry a full load of the hurtful .
22 You want to be able at any time to get into the box , perhaps to change the battery , and you want to be able to flip the lid ( the field ) back as though it was on a hinge in order to do this .
23 It was on a bearing of 280 degrees and was already west of the Falklands , so I 'm sorry but I can not see how you can say it was not sailing away from the Falklands when it was sunk . ’
24 Time was never called and the tide was soon to discover it was on a hiding to nothing .
25 It was on a level with Arnold 's 67 at Troon .
26 It was on a par with the rest of their good fortune that night — save the missing of Balliol himself — for nothing could more assist their project than to drive hosts of panic-stricken and riderless horses before them through the sleeping camp .
27 Well I was trying to draw your attention , right she had pieces of pink paper right that was mi , and on the desk , on our side and on it it had a fe , erm it was she 'd she had received some er goods or something like that there , it was on a piece of pink paper and the signature on it was Houston !
28 It was on a visit to Ulverston that he first met Thomas West , who was working on his historical and topographic work on the area .
29 This week he was on a beach in Malta ‘ he still gets all over the place , ’ says his agent dreaming of the Premier League .
30 So that cost an awful lot of money because he was on a grant of course and he , he spent er about a year as a trainee teacher and we thought that was great because he was , he was dealing with , with er
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