Example sentences of "[pron] was [vb pp] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But others felt the bins themselves presented a health hazard which was made worse by inadequate servicing in the summer .
2 This last , which was published weekly from early February 1834 until the end of May , has become the best-known of Doherty 's publications and is the least personal of all of them .
3 He tapped gently on the door which was pulled open by Red Nose .
4 Muscle strips were maintained under a tension of 3 g , which produced near optimal contraction and experiments were commenced after a stabilisation period of two hours , which was found necessary in preliminary studies to ensure consistent muscle performance .
5 On 8 October 1990 she was found guilty of professional misconduct by a disciplinary tribunal of the Inns of Court Council which directed that she be disbarred .
6 It was quite clear to me that 260,000 people would be reduced very substantially and that for every person who was made redundant in British Steel , seven people were affected — another three in the family , plus the people serving that family in the shops and in other ways .
7 The consortium has been advised by a mining engineer who was made redundant by British Coal .
8 Evidence that the drug cartels had infiltrated the latest judicial security system came with the murder of Myriam Rocío Vélez , 38 , a district court judge in the city of Medellín , who was shot dead by unidentified gunmen on Sept. 18 .
9 Under the new law electors found guilty of malpractice faced fines of up to 5,000 naira ( US$1=18.45 naira as at Sept. 7 , 1992 ) and two years ' imprisonment , while anyone who was banned from participating in the political process but who was found guilty of supporting or sponsoring a candidate was liable to a 10,000 naira fine and five years ' imprisonment .
10 The three were alleged to have been part of a 30-strong gang which rampaged through the park on April 19 , 1989 , making a series of unprovoked attacks which culminated in the gang-rape of the jogger who was left unconscious with severe head injuries .
11 The demonstration itself was filmed live by Czechoslovak television — itself a highly significant breakthrough .
12 The demonstration itself was filmed live by Czechoslovak television — itself a highly significant breakthrough .
13 The report shows that , of over 3,600 SSIs , six suffered long-term damage during the year , 52 suffered short-term damage and one was denotified due to agricultural damage .
14 Simmons , who changed his bat three times during his innings , hit 10 fours and two sixes in his fourth one-day century : it was hit second in successive innings , and his third in four matches in which he batted .
15 This practice ended when it was declared unlawful by judicial review in 1985 ( R v Hallstrom ex parte W ) , although under Scots law it continues with monitoring by the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland .
16 It was thought improper for elderly women to wear bright clothes .
17 In this context community care was taken to encompass both residential care and care which it was deemed appropriate for local health and social service authorities to provide in non-institutional settings .
18 Set in the charged atmosphere of a thirties New York summer , Rocket to the Moon is a tale of romance , stifled sexuality and thwarted ambition … at a time when it was considered next to impossible that a rocket could reach the moon .
19 It was crammed full of good ideas which you could n't sensibly argue with , but they had been turned upside down .
20 When told that his two years at sea did not count , he resignedly attended his medical only to discover that his hearing was impaired and he was declared unfit for military service .
21 He was made responsible for marine operations , an area of the business totally new to him .
22 In 1982 he was found guilty of serious professional misconduct and undertook not to let it happen again .
23 On 22 May 1990 he was found guilty of professional misconduct by a disciplinary tribunal of the Inns of Court Council which directed that he , too , should be disbarred .
24 He was found guilty of direct involvement in the illegal sale to the European Communities ( EC ) in 1986 of 20,000 tonnes of Yugoslavian maize , presented as Greek produce to avoid paying EC duties .
25 Considering each member of the series of hypothetical Ks connecting the human eye to no eye at all , is it plausible that every one of them was made available by random mutation of its predecessor ?
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