Example sentences of "[pron] was [vb pp] [adj] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I was made sorry for her at first , as I would be for any young girl , crippled — it is hinted by the cruelty of her husband — and a mother , but even at the beginning there is a niggling doubt that she is rather superficial and shallow .
2 Head of sixth : Now I was asked this at my interview and what was I going to do about it .
3 I did no work that I can remember — I know I was considered hopeless by my teachers and I was quite ready to believe I was hopeless — I can quite well remember keeping mice at the back of the classroom and I can remember the smell .
4 Well I 'm a single parent and I was left pregnant by my my boyfriend , I did n't have a choice in the matter of having I was quite happy , I was in love , I was quite happy , but I left , on my own , with a child so where does that leave me ?
5 A similar case is the sentence ( 7 ) which ends the opening paragraph of The Secret Sharer ( 3.3 ) Example 1 ) where the brevity of the sentence " And then I was left alone with my ship , anchored at the head of the Gulf of Siam " contrasts with the complexities of the preceding scene-setting sentences , as if to emphasize the insignificance of the lonely narrator against his background , the sea .
6 And then I was left alone with my ship , anchored at the head of the Gulf of Siam(7) .
7 A taxi was called and Hugo and the children left for Liverpool Street and I was left alone with my own thoughts , in a state of mind I could only describe as lustless .
8 Ferdinando and I being both your servants when we sinned were like unto brother and sister and broke a commandment which was made clear to me on reading the Scriptures .
9 The financial and political consequences of the dispute clouded his tenure of office , which was cut short by his premature death .
10 One must remember that Milton is also human and , like the reader , could not help but feel for Satan as an expression of a part of himself which was let loose in his writings .
11 The tractor had more ground clearance than the Citroën , which was settled low on its hydraulics , and being found under the Shogun might just be too suspicious .
12 As the kiss lingered , she was made aware of his hardness as he pressed himself against her .
13 Huitzilopochtli was born of the goddess COATLIQUE , and she was made aware of his conception when a wreath of blue humming-bird feathers fell from the sky .
14 So , like , we 've got this thing about her , anyway , she was com and she was talking to Fiona today and she was stood next to me , and like in a way , I was laughing at her but I felt so sorry for her cos she really , really stunk !
15 Factory worker , Paula Gilfoyle , was eight-and-a-half months pregnant when she was discovered dead at her home in Grafton Drive , Upton , Wirral , on Thursday , June 4 , last year .
16 Carol Fordham , 50 , of Levenside , Hutton Rudby , was in a satisfactory condition at Middlesbrough General Hospital yesterday after she was cut free from her Honda Accord following a head-on collision with a Saab between Hutton Rudby and Crathorne , near Stokesley .
17 He turned suddenly and saw her and she was held motionless by his gaze , caught without any hope of escape , mesmerised by the power and intensity of his whole being .
18 Briefly she was left speechless by his audacity , then in a strangled voice she went on , ‘ All I have in mind is a breath of fresh air and to … to talk . ’
19 She was left uneasy by something she did n't understand .
20 When Clemence had gone into hospital to have Emmie , she had cried because she was left alone with him .
21 She was told one of her daughters was receiving tuition in her foster home .
22 A SIX-DAY search for missing mum Tania Probyn ended yesterday when she was found dead in her car in a river .
23 She was proved wrong in her assessment that they would see no one from the new extension , however .
24 More than one person had died , and been buried at sea , but it was the funeral of the baby who was berthed near to her cousins which affected Ruth most .
25 Jackie discovered the body of Mr McEvoy , 50 , who was shot dead outside his home in Greta Avenue , Hartlepool , on Saturday night .
26 Among the mayors who were killed in the run-up to the November 1989 municipal elections [ see p. 37039 ] was the left-wing mayor of Ayacucho , Fermín Azparrent , who was shot dead at his home on Sept. 19 .
27 It was amazing how his underwear and the case seemed to be involved in a kind of dance , in which the arrival home of his shirts might depend on who was found guilty of what .
28 A YOUNG nursing home resident who was found dead in her bed had taken a fatal overdose of painkillers , an inquest heard yesterday .
29 The inspectorate 's director , Mr Brian Ponsford , who was found dead in his fume-filled car last week , had written a report outlining the difficulties of his department .
30 MR JOHN Heddle , the MP for Mid-Staffordshire who was found dead in his fume-filled Jaguar on Tuesday , had a history of depression , a Canterbury inquest was told yesterday .
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