Example sentences of "[pron] was [adv] [adj] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was also delighted that at last there had been an acknowledgement of the fact that I had a role in what was happening rather than being seen as a bystander in an event that would , all being well , change our lives beyond recognition .
2 I was so innocent that in spite of our so-called training , of all the propaganda , I had never really been able to believe that someone might want to kill me .
3 But I was so lucky that with one exception , everything seemed to fall into place at exactly the right time . ’
4 I was so bemused that at first I could do nothing but stare .
5 I was so surprised that at the time I uttered no word .
6 We all had a pleasant evening , and I was very impressed that at the end so many people came and said , ‘ How can we help the University ? ’
7 I was very conscious that in my presence there it could n't be avoided , though , of course , the Methodist Church does not make any claims to priesthood for its ministry .
8 After his father 's death in 1885 the cable companies persuaded him to set up his own manufacturing business , Muirhead & Company , which was so successful that in 1894 he was able to take over his father 's old firm when it was finally wound up .
9 She was rather glad that at that moment the waiter brought them their porcheddu .
10 But she was guiltily aware that at least part of his reason for staying on the island so long and not returning to England was his hope of one day furthering their relationship .
11 Julia could feel the cool , faintly bristly skin of his cheek against her face and she was bitterly ashamed that in the middle of his awful pain she was conscious of the pleasure of it .
12 When her kindergarten time was up , her parents engaged a modelling tutor to come in twice a week , and she was so good that at the age of 7 she was admitted to the Dover School of Art where she stayed until she was eighteen .
13 There she met Molly Braithwaite , who was so enthusiastic that after finishing her degree she also trained at the Medau School and on her return joined Peggy in taking classes .
14 It was encouraging that the wives saw themselves as having an increasing role to play and it was equally encouraging that in many cases they saw training courses as the best way of acquiring new skills and knowledge .
15 Thus , it was rather ironic that in this , his best series , he bowled hardly any ; instead , he took his wickets by adapting his bowling to the slow conditions of a rainy summer , reducing his pace a fraction and making the ball move around more .
16 In these circumstances it can fairly be said that there was no medical evidence favouring such ventilation , although it was clearly possible that within the paediatric medical speciality some consultant of repute could be found who took a different view .
17 If it were possible for Jessie to go and live in Durham , it was also possible that at times she could meet Robbie Felton , and then perhaps they could get married and go off somewhere .
18 But it was also apparent that by taking control of the food supply the government had a powerful weapon against the movement — one that it used without hesitation .
19 And possibly it was also significant that after the Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment ( RARDE ) forensic team had identified the tiny fragment of micro-circuitry as part of the bomb 's triggering mechanism , it was not the Scottish police who discovered the source of the murder weapon but the CIA 's intelligence analysts .
20 Differences remained ; but it was also clear that in many cases the two countries could work together , on an equal and principled basis , without prejudice to the interests of other countries .
21 It was immediately obvious that as the Cayman quarter mostly comprised aluminium , it registered as a foil on the meter of my Whites 5900 Di Pro SL .
22 It was particularly gratifying that in the Council 's Diamond Jubilee Year , was honoured in The Queen 's Birthday Honours List .
23 The writ was never served , but it was perfectly clear that without aggressive and persistent action by our solicitors the Department would have continued to stall indefinitely .
24 It was so radical that in later centuries it did lead to the abolition of slavery in the Western world .
25 It was so enjoyable that at the headwall I took a line up the steepest part , just so I could play about hanging from the holds .
26 It was now obvious that with sufficient sensitive recording techniques it should be possible to map the parts of the brain responsible for perception — the sensory cortex — in a similar way .
27 Given these trends it was perhaps surprising that in 1984 the DES ( 1984b ) assumed that , despite this steady increase , the sex ratio at university entry would remain constant at its 1982 levels .
28 It was perhaps unfortunate that in verbal controversy with T. H. Huxley he was less careful .
29 Ten days later , Falkenhayn was on the telephone himself , expressing the fear that the British were after all about to attempt a relief operation , ‘ and probably a landing attempt ’ It was hardly surprising that on April 17th Rupprecht — irritated and not keen to be involved in another of Falkenhayn 's half-measure offensives that he deplored — coolly declined his invitation to attack the British , pointing to the strong reinforcements now in the line .
30 It was hardly surprising that after an initial period of cooperation and even of euphoria , unrest and discontent , mingled with weariness of a conflict which became ever more bloody and apparently endless , began to grow .
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