Example sentences of "[pron] was [prep] [conj] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Breeze talked away for all she was worth as she cut bread-and-butter in the draughty old kitchen , but she knew that her sister was n't really listening .
2 Whenever I saw her , she always smiled at me , It was as if she 'd got me confused with someone else , someone important Once I had half an hour to wait for a transport .
3 It seemed as bright as day out on the newly-laid forecourt and it was as if she 'd been caught by the lights , trapped and dazed like a rabbit on a long country road .
4 It was as if she 'd been calling on a dead line to an empty building .
5 When he reached for her free hand , clasping it in his own , it was as if she 'd touched a metal surface after walking on a nylon carpet — the shock of contact almost painful in its suddenness .
6 It was as if she 'd thrown down an invisible gauntlet on the table , and Shae knew a moment 's bleakness .
7 It was as if she 'd been given a glimpse of paradise , and then had it barred to her forever .
8 Suddenly it was as if she 'd been drugged .
9 It was as if she had vanished off the face of the earth , ’ Anthony Palmer , for the prosecution , said .
10 It was as if she had fallen out of a generous sky .
11 It was as if she had a hot line to the Devil .
12 And it was as if she had glimpsed the celestial city knowing that she could never enter in .
13 It was as if she had been waiting for him for all these years .
14 It was as if she had been waiting for this moment for four years or more .
15 Happiness , I knew , was not something she thought much of as an end : it was as if she had said , I 'm glad you do n't mind being poor , and , although when I replied to her , it was only to tell her about the baby , Thomas , and how he had put on five pounds and had cut his first tooth , I brooded over what I might have said while I stood at the sink or pushed the pram , making great , windy speeches in my mind , venting on my absent aunt the curious , unreasonable anger that seemed to rise up before me like a dark pit , bottomless and frightening .
16 It was as if she had accepted the fact that her mother had gone out of her life and that her future lay with this big fat woman , who alternately yelled and cajoled , and the nice man called Ben .
17 It was as if she had n't been aware of the girl 's presence , but she said , ‘ Stay where you are , child .
18 It was as if she had made her decision , her momentous decision to marry , sleepwalking .
19 It was as if she had been beyond the sky .
20 It was as if she had been cordoned off from it .
21 It was as if she had let go of a great burden .
22 It was as if she had spent it underground , the hibernatory flat , dusty Isis Books .
23 It was as if she had needed to do this for such a long , long time , but had only just realised it .
24 It was as if she had come to the wrong place , as if the magic that shrivelled Cinderella 's full satins to limp rag had breathed over this place , enchantment vanished in the wood , only the old dank trees still and always there .
25 It was as if she had shot him with a tranquillising dart .
26 It was as if she had been having a nightmare — terrible , perhaps , but still only a dream in which the money could vanish like fairy gold — and woken up to find it was true .
27 It was as if she had said something and it had caused a click in his mind that brought down the shutters to keep her out .
28 It was as if she had been playing a part with all her might for several months , but it had sapped her energy .
29 It was as if she had been waiting all her life to find this man , this moment .
30 Lori seemed to shudder right through to her very bones ; then it was as if she had shaken off a darkness that had possessed her for too long .
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